Cooroy annual round up

CARA president Rod Ritchie

CARA president Rod Ritchie

Cooroy Area Residents Association, now 10 years old, is a non-political organisation that was formed to provide information to our community, lodge submissions to all levels of government on issues and development proposals affecting our area, and give residents a forum to express their opinions. We are independent of council or business interests.

New developments

Cooroy continues to evolve as a service town and is becoming a destination for visitors as well.

Several development sites have current applications before council. Post-Covid, nimble, new business models have evolved, including Busstop Espresso and Daddows Pizza.

Plans have been approved for three shops, with offices above, at the vacant Emerald Street site opposite the Amcal Pharmacy.

Council has also received a development application from Kings Group Pty Ltd to build a car wash in Elm Street. Currently before council is a proposal for affordable social housing in a tiny house complex.

In July, CARA was involved in community consultation for the proposed new Cooroy Police Station.

Our Facebook page, Cooroy Community Noticeboard, was used to gauge public opinion on the designs and a submission was later presented to the police department.


The Hinterland Adventure Playground opened in May following a dramatic flooding event that saw the whole site covered with overflow from Cooroy Creek and stormwater from the town’s CBD.

The playground has been beautifully vegetated, and is popular with residents and visitors alike, although there are some issues which must be addressed, such as polluted stormwater entering the drain, shade sails over the play equipment, and improved water quality in the wading pool.

The GemLife appeal in the Planning and Environment Court, lodged in April 2021, is progressing slowly. However, a mediation session has been scheduled for 13 December and a trial will be booked to run for several days, early next year. CARA is a co-respondent with Noosa Council in the appeal.

The transition of West Cooroy State Forest to National Park status, which is awaiting a report on existing resources and perhaps some final harvesting, still appears to be achievable.

The CARA Facebook page has grown from around 9200 members this time last year to nearly 14,000 this year. The page is a great communication tool, feedback source, and a way of keeping our residents up-to-date with the latest planning applications, local events, council information, employment, and even information on exercise classes, lost pets, car accidents, and the best tradies.

Finally, thanks to our committee and ordinary members, and to our councillors and local state MPs for their support this year.