Trailer loads of Singapore dairy, mile-a-minute vine, Ochna (known as Mickey Mouse plant) and lantana, all common weeds that have inundated the river bank at Tewantin were removed last week by a group of volunteers led by NICA and Bush Renewalls.
The conservation project aims to clean up and repair some of the most degraded wetland sites in Noosa Estuary by removing weeds and rubbish and reducing the spread of weeds by thickening the remnant edge along the river bank with a row of cottonwoods.
“We’ve been here Wednesday, Friday and Saturday,” NICA’s Peter Hunnam said of last week’s effort.
“About 15-20 people came along to help, with a few delays due to the weather. We got about 50m cleared.
“It looks amazing. It looks so much better than when we started.”
The team are looking for volunteers to weed and clean up the Tewantin Park river foreshore, in front of the Noosa Gallery on Friday 9 February and Saturday 10 February from 7am and on Saturday if conditions are suitable to share morning tea and discussion on the progress.
Participants need to sign on and off with site coordinator, wear long pants, long-sleeved shirt, hat, gloves, boots and bring sunscreen, insect repellent, sun- glasses/ safety glasses, water, a small hand weeding tool if you have one and any ques- tions about wetlands, weeds, restoration actions, and any questions which organis- ers will try to answer them.
Also bring a chair, if you like, for the morning teas on Saturdays and keep a wary eye on the weather. No unaccompa- nied children please
For more email NICA office manager at admin@noosariver.com.au or phone 5449 9650. Check the NICA website for site changes due to wet weather.