Trees for Tourism sees significant impact

Karen Finzel, Darren McClenaghan, Juanita Terry Bloomfield, Brent Chong, and Nick Stewart. (Supplied)

The Trees for Tourism biannual tree planting event took place recently with over 40 enthusiastic volunteers planting 800 trees along the Noosa Biosphere Trails at Western Branch Road, Kin Kin.

This collaborative effort highlights the community’s dedication to environmental sustainability and the enhancement of local ecosystems.

The Trees for Tourism program, a partnership between Tourism Noosa and Noosa and District Landcare, focuses on tree planting across the Noosa region for land rehabilitation, carbon emission reduction, and providing shade for walkers on the Noosa Biosphere Trails.

Tourism Noosa’s sponsored events, along with contributions from tourism members and visitors, help fund the program.

Although not an official carbon-offset initiative, it is estimated that each tree planted sequesters an average of 124kg of CO2 over its lifetime.

For perspective, an average car emits approximately 180kg of CO2 per 100km driven.

Since its inception, the program has raised $82,284, resulting in the planting of 6799 trees in the Noosa region and sequestering over 843 tonnes of carbon.

These trees will also enhance wildlife habitats and fortify wildlife corridors, crucial for the survival of vulnerable species like koalas.

Tourism Noosa chief executive officer Sharon Raguse said, “Our commitment to improving the tourism industry’s environmental and sustainable outcomes is unwavering.”

“Trees for Tourism exemplifies how travel can be a force for good, allowing visitors to make a meaningful contribution to our region.”

All trees planted through the program are native to Noosa. Notable successes include the Trees for Tourism plantings at Black Pinch Lookout and Twin Hills Lookout in Cootharaba in 2019, which played a vital role in preventing land erosion during the 2022 floods.

The Trees for Tourism program continues to foster the growth of local forests, contributing to the region’s ecological health. Donations can be made by visiting the Noosa Visitor Information Centre on Hastings Street or through the program’s website at Trees for Tourism.

Locals and visitors are invited to register their interest int participating in future tree plantings in Noosa. Register your interest via