Speed date through Noosa

Noosa MP Sandy Bolton with Queensland Day award winners from St Vincent de Paul. (Supplied)

Happy August everyone! Again, I will need to ‘speed date’ through Budget Estimates 2024 instead of the usual dedicated update as there is too much else to share!


For anyone unfamiliar with these hearings, they follow the Queensland Budget deliberations and gives an opportunity for State MPs to ‘drill’ down into the details on how funds are being spent, or not spent. With our efforts to see the failings of this process addressed via a review of the Committee and Estimates systems, it has been good to see some partial improvements from our advocacies including that we can submit questions to all Portfolio committees prior to hearings for greater efficiencies. Other welcome changes have now been made via a Parliamentary motion, which has reduced the time allocated for Government questions and cannot exceed thirty per cent of the total allocation, with the remaining distributed proportionately between the Opposition and Crossbench MPs. This year, our questions covered a broad range of budgetary inquiries relevant to the Noosa Electorate from community safety, policing and domestic and family violence through to community batteries, land tax, roads, and more. All 49 questions including from my Community Safety and Legal Affairs hearing are posted on Noosa 360 at www.sandybolton.com/estimate-hearings-2024-summary-august-2024 and will be updated as responses are received. It is not a short read; you may use the ‘Control F’ search function on computers to skip to the topics you are interested in!

Wildlife strikes

With several koalas sadly hit in the 100kph zone of Yurol Forest Drive, we welcomed TMR’s swift response to our calls in placing flashing ‘Watch out for Koalas’ signs on Yurol Forest Drive, McKinnon Drive as well as Cooroy Noosa Road, and are grateful to our wildlife rescuers and all who stop to assist our furry buds. TMR is now conducting a speed review of Yurol Forest Drive, which includes obtaining feedback from Noosa Council and local police and we will update shortly including on strike mitigations we have urgently requested. For anyone wishing to also email TMR direct regarding, you can do so via northcoast@tmr.qld.gov.au. A resource for your emails and one that we use is our Noosa MP funded wildlife study, available at www.sandybolton.com/noosa-mp-funded-study-to-protect-our-wildlife-update-january-2024. Can we ask that everyone slow down and drive with care!

Heavy Haulage

Thank you to Save Noosa Hinterland for their petition urging the Federal Government to decline the EPBC application for expansion of the Kin Kin Quarry. The response to our submission to the Federal Environment Minister on this and our previous updates regarding are available at www.sandybolton.com/?s=Kin+kin. You may also wish to contact our Federal Member of Parliament (MP) Llew O’Brien via llew.obrien.mp@aph.gov.au and Federal Minister Tanya Plibersek via Minister.Plibersek@dcceew.gov.au.

As you know from our efforts over the last 4 years, we will not give up until the devastation from an inappropriate level of haulage through our beautiful Noosa country communities ends, whether via the new Environmental Powers Bill mentioned last column or by an Independent Environmental Protection Agency for Queensland (EPA) which we have fought for. Given we are the only State in Australia not to have an EPA, which is a stand-alone body for the enforcement of environmental laws, this is essential. Our last response from Government was that all investigation and consultation activities have been completed and it was under consideration. We will not relent in this, the same as with the Environmental Protection (Powers & Penalties) Bill to get greater powers for the Minister to open up historical Environmental Authorities.

Noosa river management

With a ‘no anchoring zone’ 60m from the southern shoreline now in effect as part of new river management and greater safety, there has been some confusion around access, including the trial exemption for vessels under 5m to access shops and recreational activities. We collated and provided feedback to Maritime Safety Queensland (MSQ) for clarifications as well investigating conflicting reports including around suggested hitching poles/transit areas with a response expected shortly. This we will update via ‘Noosa 360’ where information obtained so far and requested links to related legislation is also located, as well as FAQS provided by MSQ. Amongst the confusion online was also misinformation that I was involved in Noosa Council’s Conservation Park concept, which is completely incorrect, and we have posted the facts to www.sandybolton.com/noosa-river-management-update-2-july-2024.

More police, better allocation modelling, new station and DFV upgrades to Maroochydore Courthouse

During the 2023 Estimates Hearings, we queried how adequate police numbers are determined for a region given the increase we have had in domestic and family violence and mental health callouts since COVID. The Commissioner stated in response at the time that they take into account ‘hidden demand’ however, since then, the Queensland Audit Office has conducted a performance audit report called ‘Deploying police resources’ which found this was incorrect and reforms are now being undertaken to develop better modelling, as relayed in my questioning during the Community Safety and Legal Affairs Committee 2024 Estimates Hearing.

As reported previously ninety-eight additional police officers have been allocated for the Sunshine Coast, and we have requested the amount for Noosa as well as their projected timeline, and whether this incorporated new modelling. Further information is available at www.sandybolton.com/police-recruitment-numbers-and-general-update-july-2024 . In addition, the first youth co-responder team for Sunshine Coast is also in process, and work on the Maroochydore Courthouse to provide improved services for those impacted by Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) is underway, as well more. Even though outside the Noosa State Electorate, our residents will also be serviced by the new Cooroy Police Station, and we are looking forward to the opening. Don’t forget, even when a station is not manned, police are on duty 24/7 and for urgent matters, call 000, and for non-urgent matters contact Policelink via www.police.qld.gov.au/policelink-reporting or by calling 13144.

Tewantin Bypass/ Beckmans Road

As mentioned last column, we are currently awaiting the response from TMR Minister Bart Mellish to our calls to fast-track detailed designs of the next stages of the Tewantin Bypass regardless of whether the delays were on State’s or Noosa Council’s end. Full history in updates at www.sandybolton.com/noosa360

Cooroy Intersections and Overpass

Even though outside the Noosa Electorate, our advocacy has continued regarding the dangerous Cooroy intersections and overpass. Given that pavement works earlier in the year on the railway overpass did not meet community expectations, the Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) have responded to our advocacy with a complete resurfacing to commence in September, covering 1.3kms including the bridge. We continue to request that TMR reengage with the community regarding the intersections, as in the past solutions put forward by TMR were rejected and this needs to be revisited, including the rationale as to why roundabouts were not suitable.

Funding and Traineeships

Catching up with recent recipients of our Noosa MP grants including Rise & Thrive, Noosa Landcare, Noosa FM, Vinnies Noosa, and Patches of Cooroy was both a joy and educational! We learnt more of intensive trauma intervention, prevention, and recovery programs for both youth and adults, and how defibrillators are not only lifesaving but that they also emit a very loud alarm when you open the cabinet as I found out! Congratulations as well to those who received state funding this month, including over thirty local sporting groups, as well the Solutions Network and Noosa Landcare who have been successful again in the Skilling Queenslanders for Work program. This is testimony of how to effect change and create jobs through traineeships for our young Noosans, and the extra staff needed in Noosa!

As always, this ‘speed date’ is just a portion of what has happened this month, so please, check www.sandybolton.com/noosa360 for our updates, subscribe to our newsletter at www.sandybolton.com/newsletters or contact our office via noosa@parliament.qld.gov.au or 53193100.

We live in an incredible community who lead the way in so many realms, including the health facilities opened this month, and being independent in the ways that matter. Noosa is unique, and we need to retain, and expand on this as we head into our future.

Enjoy the last of winter, with its sensational, pure Noosa sunshine. How blessed are we?