Spectacular spring event at Good Shepherd

Hours of practise culminated in an evening of excellent music.

Talented music and dance students from Good Shepherd Lutheran College performed with panache for over 400 family and friends in their annual Spring Spectacular concert.

It was an unforgettable evening of music featuring something for everyone.

Over 250 students, from Prep to Year 12, took to the stage in two concerts performing over 40 songs from classical to jazz, musical theatre and modern.

The first concert began with the smooth groove of the Senior Jazz Band, followed by the senior musical theatre and dance troupe, singing, dancing and acting in a foot stomping crowd favourite.

Not to be outdone the Junior Choir sang and danced to disco tunes and enjoyed songs from the musical ‘Annie’. Beautiful harmonies from Aurora Choir were followed by the Year 4 Band who showcased the hard work and enthusiasm from the Year 4 Immersion program. The concert ended with a combined piece from the Wind Ensemble and Maroon Band which was delivered with maturity and style. The crowd went wild and the concert ended in a double rainbow event.

The second concert began with Year 4 Strings again as part of the Immersion program.

Mr Jim Tomkins, Director of Instrumental Music at Good Shepherd said, “Our Year 4 instrumental program gives every Year 4 student the chance to learn an instrument of their choice for the year and to play in an ensemble and have a small group lesson. This provides a great platform for students to begin their journey into music.”

The evening continued with the junior and senior string groups including a guitar ensemble played songs from Star Wars to Thriller, musical songs, Alice in Wonderland and Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

“We were also fortunate to have Antoni Bonetti, conductor of the Brisbane Symphony Orchestra, lead the Good Shepherd Lutheran College Orchestra in a number of pieces including The Marriage of Figaro,” Mr Tomkins said.

The evening concluded with a sea of musicians taking to the stage, including members of junior and senior string groups, guitars and Orchestra who serenaded the audience with Viva la Vida by Coldplay.

Mr Tomkins said, “This concert is the highlight of our musical calendar and features the culmination of many hours of practise and commitment by all the students, staff and parents, so it is a wonderful event for our school.”