Boy bitten by dingo at Fraser Island

A boy was bitten by a dingo on Fraser Island last Thursday.

By Abbey Cannan

A boy was bitten by a dingo at Fraser Island on Thursday morning after stumbling across a pack relaxing on Orchid Beach.

Duty Paramedic on Fraser Island Lee said the child suffered minor abrasions to his left calf and right knee, with no puncture wounds.

“It was a father and a son, they walked past a small past of dingoes who were relaxing on the sand and one of the juveniles had then got up and started walking towards the child as he was walking past them,“ he said.

“As the child had turned around, he had stumbled in the sand and fell over and then the dingo then advanced on to that child.“He was scared away by the child’s father and only minor injuries happened.“

Paramedic Lee said to never run if you come across a dingo on the island.

“The advice is always make sure your child is within at least one to two arms length of you at all times,“ he said.

“If you do see dingos on the beach, put yourself between the dingo and your child. Always face the dingo and carry a stick.“

Lee said despite the bite, the family would be staying on the island until their holiday was over.