Brian Stockwell, Noosa councillor candidate

Brian Stockwell

What is your working background?

I have 18 years’ experience in Local Government both as a Councillor and a town and environmental planner. I also had a career in State Government including senior positions such as the Sunshine Coast Director of the Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation and as a Principal Catchment Ecologist.

Why are you running for Council?

Our shire’s forests, waterways, beaches and village communities underpin our lifestyle and our economy. We know that the lifestyle we value is under attack from threats to our natural values, a loss of village character and congestion from too many day trippers. I have a passion to work with the community to achieve a better future.

What qualifies you to be a Councillor?

I bring my track record as the Shire’s most experienced Councillor, plus decades as a professional town planner and environmental manager. My many years of dedication to Noosa equip me with the knowledge and skills to further protect our environment, community values and lifestyle.

Are you a member of a political party? If so, which one?


What organisations in Noosa are you a member of or affiliated with?

President and Life Member Noosa Lions Football Club (since 2007)

Fellowship Member and Past long serving Leader – Noosa Sea Scouts (since 2006)

Member Noosa and District Landcare (founding member in 1989)

Member Pomona and District Chamber of Commerce

Member Noosa Integrated Catchment Association (work/ volunteer roles since 1998)

Affiliation with the Mary River Catchment Coordinating Committee (since 1994)

If elected, will you be undertaking any other paid employment? If so, what would that be?

I have a small sole trader consultancy focussed on environmental planning, training and monitoring and evaluation e.g. for the Great Barrier Reef Water Quality Protection Plan. I also teach a subject one semester a year at the University of the Sunshine Coast. These roles easily integrate with my Councillor responsibilities.

List the four top Council issues you believe to be the most important to Noosa residents.

Over many years the community has told us that continued protection of the natural environment is the number one priority.

However, residents clearly identified in the Liveability Survey that the biggest area needing improvement was transport, traffic management and congestion.

Preserving our low-density village character with no buildings above tree height is at the cornerstone of our Noosa Plan with development control and local law compliance of STAs a priority.

The housing crisis demands our Council works with state and community housing providers to get more low cost housing in the shire.