With over 500 Noosa residents taking part in the annual Noosa MP survey, hospital and health services, crime and policing, and the management of the Noosa River were identified as the top three most important issues to our community.
Noosa MP Sandy Bolton said respondents were asked to rate the level of importance around relevant topics and to share their opinions on numerous community issues. There were also opportunities for residents to raise other concerns and share comments on issues important to them.
“There was a significant increase in majority ‘for’ votes this year to reduce the number of Vehicle Access Permits issued during peak times for the Cooloola Recreation Area/Teewah Beach, further capping of election donations, and reviewing of biodiversity mapping and koala overlays. In addition, for an increase in funding for hospice and in-home palliative care, improved accessibility to Voluntary Assisted Dying and others,” said Ms. Bolton.
Results also found that a number of trends continued from last year’s survey, with increasing support for the reform of Parliament’s oversight committees to be more independent of Government and the establishment of an Independent Environmental Protection Agency. Other issues that have not been raised previously, including the need for transportation options for youth to attend the Nambour TAFE, have been taken forward to relevant ministers.
Feedback provided on matters under the control of local or federal governments has been forwarded to Noosa Council and the Federal Member for Wide Bay, Llew O’Brien. Ms Bolton said the survey results provide a barometer for the community’s general position regarding state government issues and assists in determining advocacy into the new year.
“My sincerest thank-you to all respondents for taking the time to share your views and even though numbers of residents who have engaged is less than what we had hoped for, we encourage residents to contact our office anytime with their state government concerns via noosa@parliament.qld.gov.au. In addition, to spread the word with fellow Noosans the importance of participating in surveys at all levels of government as we need to hear your voice!”
A comprehensive summary of the results is also available at sandybolton.com/noosa360/. With her office releasing a new survey on fluoride and a public child sex offender registry, Sandy encourages all residents to have their say and to keep an eye out for future surveys by subscribing to the newsletter via sandybolton.com/newsletters/.