With a weekend of wild weather across the state seeing massive power outages, downed trees and flooding rain it comes as no surprise conditions have changed.
Offshore has been very quiet due to rough windy weather, however some charters made the effort to head out to grounds around North reef. The fishing was actually very good despite the current and chop. Many anglers boated small jewfish, tuskies, sweetlip, cod and snapper. For any anglers struggling in current to get their gear down then take a look at braid. You can still run long mono leaders for stretch but braid is so thin it cuts through strong current which reduces the need to use big sinkers.
Surf fishing continues to provide anglers with a great mixed bag. Daytime fishing has seen the odd tailor, bream in the mid 30cm range, Dart over 45cm and whiting in the mid 30cm size range. These fish will all take small worm baits or pillie and pipi baits on light mono lines. Evening fishing still has jewfish on the bite but these are becoming smaller as we push closer to the hotter weather. When casting big baits for jewies be sure to use a snelled rig with some bait wrap. Bait wrap keeps baits bound for better casting and it reduces the chances of smaller fish running away with fresh baits. The Morton Bay squid and our fresh mullet is a must if chasing this species.
The Noosa River has been a little quieter as the fish adjust to the freshwater coming down from the everglades. Fishing the lower estuary has seen some great tailor caught on surface in the lower estuary. The strong northerly winds earlier in the week saw bait pushed down and across the bar along with tailor. These fish have been actively feeding on the surface making the Bassday Sugapen a firm favourite as well as the Atomic walker in the larger 80mm size.
Flathead continue to be caught but the big girls appear to have moved on. We now have the better sized 50-55cm fish which offer the best eating and less likely to be full of roe. Again much like many other fish the lower estuary is the more popular area to fish and definitely has the cleaner water. Anywhere from the marina toward the mouth holds good flathead
Targeting these fish on baits is pretty simple and lures can offer the newbie a great first target. Lures we see as consistent performers are Zerek tango shads in various dive depths, Berkley Shimma Shad and Atomic Plazos Prong soft plastics. Let us know where you intend to fish and what gear you have so we can best kit you out.
Other fish include mangrove jacks which are more active at night especially during the low light of the moon. These fish will use the lighter tidal flow to move away from structure and explore while looking for baitfish. When you target these fish you will find stepping up to 3-6kg gear a must as they will pull all other estuary fish their size backwards! If you are new to jack fishing or wish to tick a red dog off your list be sure to ask how we do it and the knots used so you don’t get busted off. An interesting fact about jacks is they have to go offshore to breed. Always limit what you intent to keep as the same jack can get caught many times from the same spot if you let them go.
Freshwater is ticking along nicely with bass coming from the edges as water temps rise. With SEQ water letting water go from Borumba in preparation for a big rain be careful while underway and go slow in the timber. The levels are at 80% making snag bashing for bass a great option while the saratoga are breeding. If after a new lure be sure to check out the new range of Jackalls now in stock.
Now for all the latest information log onto www.fishingnoosa.com.au for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!