Laws provide greater protection for animals

All animals will have greater protection under the new laws.

Queensland animal managers and pet owners will face fines approaching $300,000 or up to three years’ jail under new animal welfare laws, if they breach their duty of care and cause the death, disablement or prolonged suffering of an animal.

The new laws will apply to farmers, trainers and pet owners alike.

They will also include the substance of recommendations to better regulate the animal cruelty responsibilities of the RSPCA.

Under Queensland’s first update of animal welfare laws in more than two decades, pronged dog collars will be banned and animal welfare inspectors subject to better training and governance, as well as being given new powers to save a distressed animal.

Agricultural Industry Development Minister Mark Furner said the new offence of aggravated breach of duty of care was just one of a range of changes being made to the Animal Care and Protection Act 2001.

“This follows the first major review of the Act in 20 years and extensive community consultation with over 2300 Queenslanders,” Mr Furner said.

“Queenslanders want to see animals better protected and people who don’t comply punished appropriately, and that is exactly what these updated laws provide,” he said.

“Key changes include a new offence of breach of duty of care, which carries a maximum penalty of 2000 penalty units ($287,500) or three years’ jail.“

He said the new laws aimed to facilitate “the ethical use of animals for scientific purposes while ensuring that animal welfare is not compromised“.

Mr Furner foresaw the “greater use of animal welfare directions to enforce compulsory codes of practice, extending inspectors’ powers to enter a place to provide shelter to an animal, recognition of interstate prohibition orders, and a new power for an inspector to enter a livestock processing facility when a horse is being processed.

“Dogs must be secured while travelling on a tray of a vehicle, or a trailer attached to a vehicle. A dog’s body (other than its head) must not protrude from an open window. (Dogs assisting in moving livestock are exempt.)“

Firing or blistering of horses and dogs will also be banned, along with the CSSP pig poison.

There will be a new framework for cattle procedures accreditation schemes, including lay pregnancy testing and implemention of “some of the Martin Inquiry recommendations on the treatment of racehorses“.

Improved training of animal welfare inspectors is also intended by the law, which will implement “some of the recommendations of the Queensland Audit Office to improve the appointment and training of inspectors and the governance of animal welfare investigations and prosecutions by the RSPCA Queensland.“

Mr Furner said for many Queenslanders keeping pets was part of their great lifestyle, and the changes reflected the protection that Queenslanders wanted for their animals.

“Being able to love and keep pets like dogs is an important part of many people’s lives and Queenslanders want those pets to have strong protections,” he said.

“Queenslanders want animals treated with care and respect and the updated Animal Care and Protection Act will contribute to that.”