Alecia Staines, Noosa councillor candidate

Alecia Staines

What is your working background?

I am a 40-year-old mother and primary teacher. In 2015, I founded Maternity Consumer Network which now has 1200 members. This year because of our campaigning the Queensland government directed $42 million into rural maternity services.

In 2011 I started the first Agribusiness Gateway to Industry school. Now there are 75 participating schools in QLD. I received an award from the University of Southern Queensland for my efforts. This year, I campaigned to secure publicly funded homebirth for Sunshine Coast women.

When elected, I plan to apply my skills to get results for our Shire.

Why are you running for Council?

A lot of residents feel Council is out of touch and does not represent or listen to all sections of the community.

I want to ensure surrounding communities have a voice and are not forgotten.

This Council and previous Councils have failed to invest in infrastructure across our Shire; roads, parking, footpaths, boating access, public toilet facilities, and recreational areas, which is now a serious problem. The policy of doing nothing and hoping people won’t come has been a failure.

Business I have door-knocked have said Council is difficult to deal with and not pro-active.

What qualifies you to be councillor?

I have a good work ethic, which I learnt very early on being raised on my family farm on the Darling Downs. I’ve got a can-do attitude and plenty of common-sense which has been sadly lacking in this Council and I have a proven record of obtaining positive results for the whole community.

Are you a member of a political party? If so, which one? I have been a member of the LNP and have a long affiliation with the party.

What organisations in Noosa are you a member of or affiliated with?

In the Shire I sit on the following:

1. Steering Committee for the Sunshine Coast HHS Homebirth program

2. Consumer and Consultation Panel for Sunshine Coast HHS.

3. My children play sport and I volunteer where I can.

If elected, will you be undertaking any other paid employment? If so, what would that be?

My priority will be to serve as a councillor. I will continue my roles on government committees, which are important, but not time consuming.

List the four top Council issues you believe to be the most important to Noosa residents.

Elect councillors who represent and listen to all sections of the community, and make sure our surrounding communities are not forgotten.

Prioritise spending on infrastructure such as parking, roads, footpaths, boating facilities and core services and stop wasting money on low priority projects.

Protect our pristine environment with proper consultation done fairly with no hidden agendas.

Keep bureaucratic growth and administration costs under control which will help keep rates to a minimum.