Jess Phillips, Noosa councillor candidate

Jess Phillips

What is your working background?

With 15 years of dedicated service in the Queensland Police Service across diverse locations such as Cairns, Bamaga, Brisbane City, the Sunshine Coast, and Noosa, my professional journey has been marked by versatility and resilience. A decade as a skilled police negotiator, involvement in plain clothes investigations, school-based police roles, and crime prevention initiatives have shaped my ability to navigate challenges, including responding to cyclones, floods, and fires.

Before joining the police force, I contributed to the community by coaching at Cooroy Gymnastics Club and had my first job at Noosa Sports Power. These experiences, coupled with my current role facilitating conflict and communication training, have provided me with a well-rounded background that uniquely positions me to address the needs of our community.

Why are you running for Council?

I am running for council with a profound commitment to the well-being and prosperity of our community. My motivation stems from a genuine desire to contribute to Noosa’s continued growth and environmental preservation. Growing up in Noosa has instilled in me a deep connection to our community’s values, challenges, and aspirations.

What qualifies you to be Councillor?

As a mother of two, a wife, and someone juggling the complexities of daily life, I bring a relatable perspective to the council role. My goal is to be a voice for the community, working collaboratively to create positive and lasting changes.

15 years with the Queensland Police Service, providing a deep understanding of public safety, crime prevention, and crisis management. A decade as a skilled police negotiator, honing communication, conflict resolution, and decision-making skills crucial for effective leadership. Growing up in Noosa, offering a firsthand understanding of the community’s needs and aspirations.A dedication to transparency, accountability, and ensuring decisions withstand public scrutiny.

Are you a member of a political party? If so, which one?

I am an independent candidate and not affiliated with any political party

What organisations in Noosa are you a member of or affiliated with?

I have no affiliations with any organisations, I have a history as the president of Cooroy Gymnastics Club.

If elected, will you be undertaking any other paid employment? If so, what would that be?

If elected, my focus will solely be on fulfilling the responsibilities of the council role, without undertaking additional paid employment. While I left the Queensland Police Service in October 2023, I am currently facilitating conflict and communication training, a role I plan to continue in a very small and manageable capacity.

List the four top Council issues you believe to be the most important to Noosa residents.

Sustainable Tourism and environment

Waterway preservation

Infrastructure and amenities