Big swell and offshore winds

Hayden from Brisbane boated this flathead in the lower estuary while on a Noosa River Fishing Safari. Photos:

By Tackle World Noosa

The first week of May surely gave the coast a mixed bag of weather. We had big rains and swell hitting the coast and even hail! This kept many anglers grounded for the week with the weekend giving way to some standout conditions and a swell that was more manageable on the coastal bars.

Offshore May and June is the peak period for BIG Spanish mackerel. These bigger lone fish love the biggest troll baits in the shallower waters around Halls and inside Sunshine Reef. Big garfish, bonito and whole mac tuna will work. For troll rigs you can make up some XL gangs using Mustad Tarpon hooks and a chin weight. Come in and check out the wide range of troll and rigging gear for chasing these fish.

Talking of Sunshine Reef you will also see a surge in coral trout. These power house fish are masters of the reef and will bust you up if you give them an inch. They have to be one of the most exciting species to chase and they make for an excellent feed. To catch one you will need gear capable of stopping them. Short powerful jig rods and spin reels are the most popular. Take a look at the range of unbreakable Oceans Legacy rods in the PE 3-4 range and run a matched braid and 50lb leader. Live baits are best so be sure to grab some rigs and stop off on the inshore reefs to get a few yakka.

If you don’t want to drop baits then you can test your skill with slow jigs. The range from Samaki have already claimed a few fish so pick a few based on your location and depth with 80-100 grams the more popular.

Out wide around North Reef you should be able to find cleaner water as inshore is quite green after the rains. You will pick up tuna, mackerel and good size cobia. On the bottom a good mixed bag of reef fish including snapper can be expected. Take a look at the pre-made Black magic paternoster rigs to keep rigging easy if unable to make your own.

Surf fishing has seen some nice fish caught with some nice size jewies starting to show around the headlands and off the beaches. The next few months will see a start to the bigger fish moving in so come and get set up as these big fish are a lot of fun. There have been a few reports of tailor getting caught too which shows the waters are starting to cool down.

In the river flatties, trevally, bream and whiting continue to feature throughout the lower estuary. Following all the rains it pays to stay around the Woods Bays, the Dog Beach, Munna Point and the Noosa Sound. These areas offer so much in terms of variety with protection from various wind angles and tidal flows. You can anchor up and burley, drift the edges or drop offs with soft plastics and find a quiet spot on the bank, cast a line and enjoy the surroundings.

While the rivers are dirty you are best to use oily baits of mullet, pilchard and slimy mackerel. These create a scent trail if left long enough which fish will pick up on. If you aren’t moving around try using a pre-made burley like the Stimulate ground bait and mix it with a splash of tuna oil. This will really get the fish going and is a great way to ensure you have a good day on the water.

Lastly the freshwater as seen a few solid fish caught around the edges of the dams. Bigger bass will start to feel an urge to start feeding up as we push toward the annual closure on June 1st. Although this is for wild fish the impoundment fish will still follow their natural urges and school up in preparation for breeding. When this happens you can expect to catch some very fat bass in big numbers off the bottom on small jigs and spinners. Make sure you have some Hot Bite spoons ready as these get the numbers on fish holding deep down. As always ensure you have a valid SIPS permit and wash down trailers and motor legs when leaving Lake Macdonald to prevent the spread of weed.

Now for all the latest information log onto for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Tackle World Noosa, Noosa Boating and Outdoors and Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!