Last week Queensland recorded two new cases of COVID-19 in the community after a Melbourne woman and her husband tested positive.
Doing the right thing to keep everyone safe is simple. That’s the message from Sunshine Coast Mayor Mark Jamieson following Queensland Health issuing COVID-19 contact tracing alerts for parts of the Sunshine Coast.
“If you were in any of the identified locations, available on Queensland Health’s website, please quarantine and get tested,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“We’re in this together and the Sunshine Coast has always done a great job keeping our community safe, so let’s keep it up.
“I urge every member of our community and every person visiting our Sunshine Coast to be COVID-19 alert to help keep us all safe.”
Mayor Jamieson said anyone with any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, should also get tested.
“To assist with the testing being conducted at Queensland Health facilities, council has provided access to Sullivan and Nicolaides Pathology to establish a mobile testing site at council’s Western Fields at Milieu Place, Warana,” Mayor Jamieson said.
Council is also working with QML to identify a suitable site for a similar mobile testing facility.
“We thank our residents for coming out to be tested, and ask that you please be patient and respectful of others, as they should expect that there will be queues.
“Appointments are not required at the mobile testing site and we thank people for their patience and cooperation when queuing for testing.
“Appointments are required at our local Queensland Health testing facilities. You can phone 1300 163 044 to make an appointment.
“I’m told the hotline is quite busy so if you’re having trouble getting through, you can find details about the Queensland Health and private testing facilities in our region on the Queensland Health website.”
Appointments are also necessary at vaccination centres.
Mayor Jamieson said social distancing remains essential in all situations.
“Stay 1.5 metres away from other people – think two big steps.
“Wash your hands with soap and water, or hand sanitiser and leave a location if it’s crowded.”
Everyone is also reminded they must check-in when visiting places like cafes and restaurants, and to provide accurate contact details.
“There are some major events coming up in our region tomorrow and this weekend,” Mayor Jamieson said.
“If you have attended any of the current exposure venues in our region, please stay home until you have a negative COVID-19 test. If you are attending, I ask you to please comply with the COVID Safe steps put in place by the organisers and if you are unwell, stay at home.
“We want everyone to continue to enjoy everything our region has to offer but we need to keep COVID-19 precautions front of mind when doing so.
“And remember, if you are eligible to be vaccinated and haven’t already organised to do so, there is no better time than now to register.”
Be COVID-19 alert
If you have any of the following COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, isolate at home, call your doctor or 13HEALTH (13 43 25 84) and get tested:
• fever
• cough
• sore throat
• shortness of breath
• runny nose
• fatigue
• loss of smell and/or taste.
Call emergency services on Triple Zero (000) if you are very sick.