Sunshine Coast’s leading health charity, Wishlist, has announced partnerships with local cancer support service Bloomhill Cancer Care and the state’s largest training provider TAFE Queensland to provide a circle-of-care within Wishlist Centre.
Once open, Wishlist Centre will provide much needed transitionary care accommodation opposite the Sunshine Coast University Hospital (SCUH) to support patients and their families while having ongoing treatment.
The facility will also offer unique, no-cost and low-cost services that will benefit patients and families staying within the facility and the wider community.
Wishlist chief executive officer Lisa Rowe said the Centre would introduce new services to the health precinct to support the physical, spiritual, emotional and psychological needs of patients, their families and health staff.
“There was a great deal of engagement with local stakeholders to inform the services within our new facility, including how the design could best support preventative health, mental health, social isolation, disability, carer support, youth, education and training and employment,” Ms Rowe said.
“I am thrilled to announce our first two unique partnerships with Bloomhill Cancer Care and TAFE Queensland. These partners align with the facility’s vision, offering a range of supportive services that will benefit patients and carers – including yoga therapy, meditation classes, acupuncture, massage, counselling, reflexology, beauty and hairdressing.
“This time next year, patients will only need to cross the road before or after treatment to receive a little extra care during their health journey.”
Bloomhill Cancer Care chief executive officer Christopher John said, through the partnership, individualised support for people touched by cancer would be within arm’s length of SCUH.
“As a provider of community-based wellness services to people living with cancer and their loved ones, we see the potential of this facility to bring the community together to access health services they need,” Mr John said.
“In collaboration with Wishlist, we plan to provide allied health, therapies and clinical nursing services we know make a difference to those touched by cancer, supporting the great treatment that people receive at Sunshine Coast hospitals and health services.”
Local students from the state’s largest training provider TAFE Queensland will also provide extra services to benefit patients and families accessing Wishlist Centre next year.
TAFE Queensland Faculty Director for Community Services, Health and Sport (East Coast) Robyn Littlejohn said the partnership would open the door for students to put the skills they are learning into ‘real world’ practice.
“TAFE Queensland is looking forward to working with Wishlist and providing our beauty, hairdressing, massage, horticulture, hospitality, events and barista students with more opportunities to gain hands-on experience with such a respected charity organisation, while making a valuable contribution to our community,” Ms Littlejohn said.
The four-level $14 million Wishlist Centre (Stage One) has commenced construction and is expected to open in mid-2022. The facility is supported by a $12 million Federal Government grant through the Australian Government’s Department of Health, Community Health and Hospital Program, secured by Federal Member for Fisher, Andrew Wallace.
Wishlist is currently fundraising for an additional $2 million through their ‘Let’s Get 2 It’ appeal to ensure the facility is all it must be for patients and families.
For more information visit wishlistcentre.org.au