Concern over the State Government’s plan

Noosa Mayor Clare Stewart.

I am seriously concerned about the State Government’s plan to pack another 19,100 people into Noosa by 2046 which is outlined in the draft South-East Qld Regional Plan put forward by the Qld State Government. The draft SEQ Regional Plan has raised huge concerns for Noosa Council and indeed for all our community.

What is particularly concerning is that it is our belief that the state expects us to accommodate more than half of that growth, a staggering 10,000 people, in just the next two-to-three years. This is unrealistic.

Similarly, the suggestion that our height restrictions could be lifted to anywhere between 4-8 stories in some locations will greatly impact the character and look and feel of Noosa. What makes us Noosa, is our lack of high-rise structures and this draft plan seemingly undermines something that we hold dear and have fought so long and hard to protect and maintain. 

In a Regional Planning Meeting held on the 14 July 2023, between the South-East Qld Council of Mayors and the Deputy Premier and Housing Minister, Mayors across South-East Qld outlined their concerns to the Deputy Premier around the draft plan.

All Mayors were clear in telling the State that they didn’t want knee jerk solutions which don’t have input from Councils, and which simply won’t work in our local communities.

Throughout this regional planning process, there has been, in Noosa’s view, a distinct lack of collaboration and a disregard for the voices of individual local governments. 

It is frustrating that local councils, who are best positioned to understand the needs and capacities of their communities, have not been heard in this process. 

Instead, the state has simply shifted the burden of accommodating another 2.16 million South East Queenslanders onto the local councils.

In the draft regional infrastructure plan, there is barely anything of significance for Noosa, despite the population increase they expect us to accommodate in such a short period. This is deeply disappointing and raises serious questions about the state’s priorities.

What is also incredibly frustrating is that the State government has, since February 2023 had our draft planning scheme amendments which seek to address housing shortages across our shire, and we are still waiting on State Interest sign off to allow us to public consult on these.

The State Government’s draft SEQ Regional Plan is unrealistic, and simply not acceptable to us. We will fight tooth and nail to challenge it and to protect our amenity, our environment, and our way of life. All councillors are united in this approach.

We must ensure Noosa remains the unique place it has always been. But we need your help. We must unite and come together; collectively our voices are louder and stronger when we unite as one community.

I continue to urge all residents to have their say on the State Government’s draft South East Qld Regional Plan at and as is this a State document and State Plan I would urge you to write to our local State Member Sandy Bolton MP to similarly voice your concerns.

We must work together to find sustainable solutions that preserve the character and quality of life in Noosa and the wider region.

Together we are stronger and together we will fight for Noosa.

I also strongly encourage residents to turn up to the in-person consultation session being hosted by the Queensland State Government.

Details are:

Venue: Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church (Noosa District)

Parish Hall

Date: Tuesday 29 August 2023

TIme: 4pm-6pm

To register please go to: