State overreach threatens Noosa future

Cr Amelia Lorentson (Supplied)

The State Government’s interference in local planning is unjust, undemocratic, and unacceptable. Our community and the Noosa Plan are being bypassed, disrespected, and ignored. The latest move allowing State-Facilitated Developments (SFDs) to override our local planning scheme in exchange for a component of affordable housing is a direct threat to everything we’ve worked to protect. It’s time to stand firm and defend the principles that have shaped the Noosa we love.

No to High-Rises, No to Bypassing Local Voices

Noosa has fought hard to preserve its unique character—free from overdevelopment and high-rises. A proposal that includes 5-6 stories is, imo far too high for our community. It is unacceptable that such projects can bypass council consultation for the sake of offering just 15% affordable housing. Worse still, we, as a community, have not been consulted. Our voices are being ignored, and the State Government is withholding details of the plans.

How Did We Get Here?

We recognize the housing crisis. Noosa must be part of the solution, but the path we’re on is not the answer. Developers are finding it increasingly difficult to invest and provide affordable housing in Noosa because amendments to the Noosa Plan, still awaiting endorsement, are not economically viable. These conditions make it nearly impossible to create a “win-win” for developers and the community.

Take Noosa Junction, for example. A local developer worked closely with the Council, and we, as Councillors, were part of the process. We supported the design and indicated that a four-story building was appropriate for the area. The development would have provided much-needed affordable accommodation for essential workers—a critical need for Noosa. However, despite initial support, something went wrong. The application was refused, and now it’s in the hands of the State.

Time to Ask the Right Questions

Rather than jumping to conclusions or resorting to personal attacks, we must ask key questions: What are the proposal’s specifics? How tall will the development be? How many affordable housing units will it provide?

But more importantly, we should ask: What will it look like? Height isn’t our only concern—design, and aesthetics are equally important. Iconic structures like the Eiffel Tower, the Guggenheim, and St. Peter’s Basilica exceeded height restrictions but became much-loved landmarks because of their extraordinary design. If we are forced to accept developments outside our planning scheme, we must ensure they are architecturally significant, with ample green spaces and designs that complement Noosa’s unique character.

Design Review and Green Spaces Are Non-Negotiable

We must insist on involving design panels and consultants—local respected architects and experts in Noosa’s design principles—throughout the development process. It’s not just about the number of stories; it’s about ensuring that any new development enhances, not detracts, from the Noosa we love.

Bypassing the Council and the community through the SFD process is not acceptable, nor is allowing unattractive, poorly planned buildings to stand forever. We must demand high standards for design, sustainability, and community benefit in every project.

Defending Noosa’s Future

We need to safeguard Noosa’s future and preserve its distinct character. No to high-rises. No to bypassing the Noosa Plan and local voices. And no to developments that ignore aesthetics and quality design. Now is the time to stand together and fight for a Noosa that remains true to its values.

(Please note that this is my personal opinion and does not represent the position of council.)