Parkridge ends project with charity drive

Mark Skinner and Ben Kearney with a painting of Layne Beachley

More than seventy staff, suppliers and contractors of Altum Property Group’s $220 million Parkridge Noosa mixed use residential project recently gathered at Peter Kuruvita’s new restaurant Alba to celebrate to conclusion of the project and the big winner was local charity The Board Meeting.

Altum Property Group directors Rob McCready and Alex Rigby hosted the lunch to thank those who helped make Parkridge Noosa such a stunning success.

“We are really proud of the project, it’s a landmark development for Noosa and it has exceeded all of our expectations from a design and construction point of view. Best of all, the vast majority of our suppliers are local businesses which not only highlights the quality of our local workforce but also ensures money stays within our economy.

“We also understand the importance of supporting those in our community who need assistance and we formed a great relationship with Mark and Bev Skinner from The Board Meeting Charity who do incredible work helping to support local people with a disability.

“We had some amazing auction items including wine and gifts as well as a private dining experience from Peter Kuruvita and a stunning portrait of Layne Beachley and we were thrilled to raise over $24,000 at the lunch to support the great work of The Board Meeting,” Alex said.

The Board Meeting Surf Charity Committee Chairman Mark Skinner said he was thrilled to have the on-going support of Altum Property Group and the funds raised from the lunch would help support local children and their families with disabilities.

“Over the last twelve months our charity has managed to raise $265,000 to help 220 local families right here on the Sunshine Coast, best of all every cent raised is directed to help these families and that is really reassuring for those people who support us in the work we do.

“We’ve built a great relationship with Alex and Rob and the Altum team over the past few years and we look forward to continuing to work together in the future,” Mark said.