Forum to help small business bounce back after disasters

Phil Moran (left) and Ian Williams.

Getting back to business sooner following a disaster will be the focus of a 28 February forum for small business.

Noosa’s small businesses, local chambers of commerce and other agencies that assist small businesses are encouraged to attend the event, hosted by Noosa Council.

“The free two-hour forum will give coast and hinterland business owners practical advice to help them bounce back following a disaster, as well as expert tips for applying for business recovery grants,” Acting Noosa Mayor, Frank Wilkie, said.

The evening event will feature speakers from facilitators Articulous – a Brisbane based company specialising in community engagement and crisis communication.

“They’ll provide insights on disaster risks and resources and the best ways to communicate with customers and suppliers following a disaster, as well as advice in being prepared for future disasters,” Disaster Resilience Officer, Ian Williams, said.

“The forum has been designed for local small businesses as well as chambers of commerce and other agencies that assist small businesses and will include an overview of the Queensland Government’s small business disaster hub website. Attendees will also be introduced to Council’s Disaster Management team.”

The evening will also focus on where to go for disaster information and resources, how to plan for and recover from disasters and how to communicate with customers and suppliers following a disaster.

President of Pomona and District Chamber of Commerce, Phil Moran, said the forum will be welcomed by his members and it’s sure to be well attended by local small businesses.

“As we all know, it’s been a tough few years, so learning more about the small business disaster recovery grants currently available and how to apply for them can only be a good thing for all of us. Having additional speakers from QRIDA and the Insurance Council of Australia will also be a great help. I’m really looking forward to attending,” Mr Moran said.

The forum is on Tuesday 28 February, at The J, 60 Noosa Drive, Noosa Junction. 5:30pm arrival for a light supper before the 6pm start, and it will finish at 8pm.

Booking via registration by 27 February is essential and the forum is fully subsidised by Noosa Council through the Black Summer Bushfires Recovery Program.

To register via Eventbrite, search ‘Noosa Small Business Disaster Resilience Forum’ (direct link: