Fiona Jacobs, Noosa councillor candidate

Fiona Jacobs

What is your working background?

I’m a Registered Nurse, currently retired. Prior to moving to the Sunshine Coast 12 years ago, I assisted my husband in managing his Medical Practice in North Queensland, working as both Practice Manager and Registered Nurse.

In December 2017 my mother passed away. This catapulted me into a campaign that would consume the next four years of my life. I formed an advocate group called “Nurses Supporting Voluntary Assisted Dying“ and set out to ensure a compassionate death would be available to all Australians with a terminal illness.

Over this time I was privileged to work with many advocates, health professionals, lawyers and politicians, across five different States.

On 16 September 2021, The Voluntary Assisted Dying Act was passed in The Queensland Parliament and in January 2023 it became available to terminally ill Queenslanders.

Why are you running for Council?

Over the past four years, my husband and I have observed a decline in amenity and overall living quality of our neighbourhood. When we initially purchased our home 10 years ago, we chose a low residential street that provided a peaceful and quiet environment. However, in recent years, this street and those of our neighbours, have become inundated with Short Stay Accommodation (STA) properties.

This influx of short-term rentals has transformed our neighbourhood into a tourist zone, significantly impacting many residents. Unfortunately, despite the increase in tourism, our suburb has not witnessed any corresponding improvements in infrastructure or maintenance. In fact, Sunrise Beach has experienced a staggering 89 per cent increase in STA properties, further exacerbating the existing challenges in our community.

What qualifies you to be councillor?

I believe my background as a Registered Nurse, along with a proven track record of influencing State Legislation uniquely qualifies me as a Councillor. My experience in healthcare, one of Noosa’s largest industry sectors, brings valuable perspective to community needs. My success in shaping legislation demonstrates my ability to advocate for positive change. This combination positions me as a capable and compassionate advocate for Noosa constituents.

Are you a member of a political party? If so, which one? No.

What organisations in Noosa are you a member of or affiliated with?

I have ceased all formal memberships to ensure no conflicts of Interest. I occasionally assist “Keep Cooloola Cool“ to organise events.

If elected, will you be undertaking any other paid employment? If so, what would that be?

No, I am currently retired.

List the four top Council issues you believe to be the most important to Noosa residents.

Environment, Residents Amenity and Safety, Short term Accommodation, Over Tourism.