BIA welcomes MSQ update

BIA spokesperson Neil Patchett.

The Boating Industry Association (BIA) welcomed the Maritime Safety Queensland announcement on the next stages of an effort to deliver an improved boating management plan for the Noosa waterways.

BIA spokesperson Neil Patchett said a boating management plan to support safe, responsible and enjoyable boating was long overdue for the waterways of Noosa.

“Boating is a way of life for a significant number of people in the Noosa region and we are supportive of MSQ, as the State’s navigation authority and regulator, to lead on a well-considered boating plan,” he said.

“We are supportive of ensuring responsible boating and safe speeds near structures, shorelines, non-powered craft and people in the water. We are supportive of a plan that deals with abandoned boats and wrecks, a plan for improved infrastructure for safe and convenient access to this waterway that includes appropriate ramps with adequate parking and supporting pontoons to assist people of all ages and abilities to enjoy boating in this area.”

BIA will continue to engage with MSQ in efforts to support paddle, power and sailing activities on the Noosa waterways now and for future generations. This engagement will include pressing for more education on responsible boat ownership and compliance of existing safe boating rules.

The BIA represents the industry with a national turnover of $9.64 billion and employs more than 32,000 people in a sector with an estimated 5 million people who go boating each year.