By Margaret Maccoll
The Noosa Temple of Satan are exerting their rights to free speech and freedom of religion in hosting their first Satanic Black Mass at The J Theatre on Friday 30 October to mark the occasion of Halloween.Organiser and local political activist Robin Bristow or as he is known in the organisation, Brother Samael Demo-Gorgon, believes Noosa’s event may be the first public black mass in Queensland.
Robin said the organisation was not affiliated with any other Satanic group but shared similar values which Satanic Australia which does not worship or believe in a literal deity but views Satan as a powerful metaphor for rebellion against arbitrary authority, as well as a champion of enlightenment, advocating for critical thought and reason, even when in opposition to popular opinion.
They share similar ideals such as wanting to encourage political awareness, combating religious authority in politics and strive to support causes that would bring greater access to reproductive health and euthanasia, the decriminalisation of illegal drug use as well as causes that would restrict the influence of religious institutions over public schools and other public spaces.
The black mass follows a Halloween on Hastings Street event held last year that attracted much attention including thousands of Facebook followers.
As MC or priest Robin will lead the black mass in a “standard black mass ritual” based on ones to be found online in a style aimed to “appeal to a lot of people” and hopefully include the presence of a well-known Brisbane performer.
“Satan has great plans for the Principality of Noosa and Australia,” he said.
“Join us in fellowship as we perform this ancient ritual where the Dark Lord is summoned through Satanic invocations.
“Our resplendent altar will symbolise our own personal life journey. You are invited to place sacred items on the altar for blessing.”
Robin has invited local politicians and praised the efforts of the LNP Government and Prime Minister Scott Morrison for their work on religious freedom.
“Thanks to the concerted efforts of our PM there has been a phenomenal growth of satanism in Australia,” he said.
“In particular we would like to thank Liberal Senator Concetta Fierravanti-Wells for her speech to parliament stating she would like Australians “to have freedom of religion, either individually or in community with others, in public or private to manifest one’s religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching.”
The Noosa Satanic black mass will be held from 6pm Friday 30 October.
For more information visit Noosa Temple of Satan on Facebook.
All attendees shall receive a complimentary membership certificate.
Satanic dress code is encouraged. Cost is $6.66 / $3.33 concessions.
Donations welcomed at