The unsung heroes taking care of Noosa’s most vulnerable community members are being celebrated following Aged Care Employment Day on Sunday 7 August.
Aged care staff have been thanked with a week of fun activities, food, and prizes as NoosaCare gives back to their team for all their hard work.
NoosaCare acting chief executive officer Jamie Oakley said it wasn’t every day that these unsung heroes got the acknowledgment they deserved.
“The work our team do is absolutely vital in supporting our elders to live a full life and age well in residential aged care,” he said.
“Let’s not forget the burden of the pandemic, floods, and rising costs in living.
“No matter the challenge that is put in front of them each and every day, our team comes to work at NoosaCare.
“They 100 per cent devote themselves to the safety, care and wellbeing of Noosa’s most vulnerable members of our community. And often they are doing this at the cost of their own personal situation, such as potential flooding. They truly are super heroes.”
Jamie, who has been at NoosaCare for seven years, said Aged Care Employment Day was an important day to remind their team how much they matter.
“We want to say a big thank you to our nurses, personal care workers and allied health professionals, kitchen/laundry/cleaning/maintenance teams, diversional therapist team, gardeners, corporate staff, managers and volunteers,” he said.
“We are so proud of all of our NoosaCare staff who work loyally and tirelessly in support of our residents.”
Diversional therapy supervisor Craig Barnes said he had never looked for personal gratitude as the job was the most rewarding part.
“I do feel that many staff benefit from a pat on the back, working in a very demanding industry that is not well remunerated,” Craig said.
“I’ve worked in this field for 12 years and have always had an infinity with people older than myself.
“My favourite part of the job is interacting with sincere people with amazing life stories and a never say no attitude.”
Bus host Pip Diver said she joined the aged care field because she loved spending time with the elderly.
“I wanted to make a difference,” Pip said.
“The best part of the job is listening to their life stories and making them happy.
“It is not an easy job and to be thanked and acknowledged for all the hard work you do is rewarding.”