Call to action on SFD units

Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlan. (Rob Maccoll)

Noosa MP Sandy Bolton and Noosa Mayor Frank Wilkie are both calling on residents to write to Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon to seek respect for Noosa’s planning scheme in her consideration of proposed developments under the new State Facilitated Development (SFD) pathway that threaten the character of Noosa.

The State Government is considering proposals for a 195-unit residential and commercial development in Noosa Junction and a 40-unit project in Tewantin under a new State Facilitated Development (SFD) pathway which allows developers to bypass Council and the Noosa Planning Scheme if promising to include an affordable housing component.

Mayor Wilkie is calling on residents to write to the Housing Minister Megan Scanlon and the Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli seeking a commitment they will not force development on Noosa that does not meet the community’s expectations and the Noosa Planning scheme.

Ms Bolton has this week called on both the ALP and LNP to make a solid commitment that they will not force projects onto Noosa that do not meet community expectations, or exceed the provisions made for Noosa Junction and Tewantin in Councils amendments to the Noosa Plan.

“These over scale developments look set to be fast-tracked by the State because 15 percent of dwellings on the sites are deemed ‘affordable’,” Cr Wilkie said.

“There is also significant concern and a lack of clarity from the State on how “affordable” housing component will be delivered and maintained affordable over the long term,

“This just seems like a free kick for developers, rather than truly affordable housing for residents on low to moderate incomes,” Cr Wilkie said.

“The State department has refused to release the plans and any further details regarding the proposals

“We calculate the Lanyana Way development may need to be substantially higher than current height limits to achieve 195 dwellings on that site.”

“We acknowledge housing is appropriate for these sites and we want to work with both the State Government and applicants to achieve a suitable development that meets community expectations,” the Mayor said.

Ms Bolton met with the Minister for Housing and state planning staff on Tuesday and was advised that given the application was in the first part of the SFD process, known as Stage 1A: Pre-lodgment, “no other details would be provided such as building heights, car parking and how affordability would be defined, managed and retained as it is concept based at the moment”.

“Given my opposition due to lack of details to the HAAPOLA Bill which provided the legislation for this SFD pathway, for the same reason I am opposing this process,” Ms Bolton said. She called on government to immediately provide the information needed by Noosa Council and our community for informed feedback.

Cr Wilkie said the over-scale proposals threatened decades of careful planning and would place an unmanageable burden on infrastructure.

“Over sized development would degrade the amenity of Noosa’s low-key built environment which makes it one of Queensland and Australia’s most liveable communities and visitor destinations,” he said.

“It’s important that not only Council, but individual residents too, send a clear message to the state that our community does not accept ad hoc development that upends years of careful planning and threatens to erode our shire’s character.

“I urge Noosa residents to join Council and make a submission through the State Facilitated Development Department website before the September 23 deadline.

Cr Wilkie said Noosa Council was already on track to meet its housing targets as set by the state and had partnerships underway with the State and a Community Housing Provider to deliver truly affordable housing for residents on low to moderate incomes.

“Truly affordable accommodation is usually managed by the state or a community housing provider, where rent costs no more than 30 percent of household income.”

In addition to making a submission on the two developments through the SFD department, Cr Wilkie encouraged residents to write to the Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon MP and Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli MP.

“I’ve written to both the Queensland Premier Steven Miles and the Leader of the Opposition David Crisafulli seeking a written undertaking that they will not approve State Facilitated Developments in the Noosa Shire except for those assessed against the Noosa Planning Scheme.

“I have requested both leaders provide the undertaking before the commencement of the Election Caretaking Period which commences October 1, 2024.”

Submissions to the State Facilitated Development Department can be made to

Submissions to the Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon can be made to

Submissions to the Leader of the Opposition can be made to