River plan questions to answer

Noosa councillor Amelia Lorentson

Cr Amelia Lorentson

At Council’s General Meeting, September 18, I moved a motion to move the River Plan to the next round of meetings to allow Councillors, stakeholders and the community more time to consider the details in the Plan, including the legal and unintended implications of a Conservation Park, and to provide feedback.

This is what I said at the meeting:

“Public Policy must be transparent, consultative and allow all the players to have a say”.

In my opinion this had not happened, and for that reason, I refused to endorse the Plan.

There were too many unanswered questions:

Was the Plan endorsed by the ex-Noosa River Advisory Committee (NSRAC) who represented 14 river stakeholder groups including recreational and commercial fishing groups?

Who were the select few that were consulted?

Has the plan got community support? Does the community want a legislated Conservation Park, and what does that actually mean? What are the implications to pro fishermen, the recreational users and those users caught outside conservation groups?

What does this mean for businesses who rely on the boating industry and visitor economy?

What is the list of issues or priorities that show there are problems? Where’s the empirical data?

Has the State failed? What is wrong with the State Fisheries Strategy and Management? Does this Plan intend to circumvent it? What do the recreational and commercial fishermen have to say?

Has a conservation Park been discussed with Councillors, community or stakeholders?

What are the implications of Native Title Claims? How does Council intend to manage this?

Why are we trying to control the river? Didn’t the community tell the last Council in 2019 that they wanted Council to stay out? Are we saying that State agencies are unable to do their job?

There are so many issues and the implications intended and unintended need to be unpacked. The devil is in the detail.

More importantly, we must be certain that all river users maintain equitable access to the River. Unless this is done, we cannot endorse the Plan.

To endorse the Plan without proper consultation would compromise public trust.

A Noosa River Plan is supported, but one that has community and stakeholder support.

Leadership to me, is not a licence to do less. Leadership is a responsibility to do more.

The motion to defer the Plan for consultation was supported at Ordinary Meeting, 4:3

For: Lorentson, Stewart, Finzel and Juresivic. Against: Wilkie, Stockwell and Wegner.

The Full debate is livestreamed on Councils Website: (1:24:08)


The report will be coming back to Council for a decision on Thursday 26 October at 5pm. Thank you to those who have emailed staff and councillors with your feedback. It matters.

(Please note this is my personal opinion and does not represent the position of Council.)