Mens breakfast hears from college principal

St Andrew’s Principal Rev Chris Ivey with Head of Ministry Mr Tim Barrett. (Supplied)

Rev’d Chris Ivey, principal of St Andrew’s Anglican College since 2007, will on Saturday 19 October, share how his Christian faith shapes his professional leadership style and personal life at a Men’s Breakfast at 7.30a, at Sunshine Beach Surf Club.

Chris is married to Elizabeth, and together they have four children, all of whom graduated from St Andrew’s and was instrumental in planting the Peregian congregation.

He is passionate about schools that strive for excellence and are committed to genuine Christian ministry. Originally an English and drama teacher, Chris later pursued theological studies, was ordained and became a College Chaplain.

This year St Andrew’s Anglican College, at Peregian Springs, was acknowledged as the Secondary School of the Year (non-government) at the Australian Education Awards.

The awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of the country’s top-performing schools, principals, department heads and teachers.

The college’s strategic plan undertook a significant revamp last year, crafted with input from stakeholders. The plan charts an ambitious course, focusing on the building of staff and student personal capacity.

“Our focus on building personal capacity is the central pillar and is the key to our strategic plan and point of difference for our school,” Chris said.

“This focus ensures every part of each child’s educational journey is based around equipping them to be the best they can be, to find purpose and move confidently into their futures.”

Key to this has been the development and implementation of a Personal Capacity Transcript, which captures and reports on the holistic growth of every student and sits alongside academic reporting.

All secondary students provide evidence and self-reflections on their involvement, learning and growth from activities inside and outside the college.

Once the evidence for one of the credit outcomes is submitted, these are ‘endorsed’ by their mentor teacher through a coaching conversation.

It can be used for job applications, university entry portfolios and celebrating the learning that takes place due to each child’s unique gifts and passions.

“We are one of the first schools in the country to implement a self-evidenced and teacher-endorsed learner profile, and we believe it will be the driver for celebrating the whole child and their growth in personal capacity,” Chris said.

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