Theatre’s next extravaganza

Harry Cure, Margaret Courtney and Gary Morris.

Opening on 19 July is Noosa Arts Theatre’s next extravaganza – Pirates of Penzance, the Gilbert and Sullivan classic.

The story has been around since 1879 and there has been many productions around the world both on stage and film.

You may remember the wonderful late Jon English playing Pirate King in many Australian productions as well as our own fabulous Anthony Warlow. Perhaps you would have seen Kevin Kline and Linda Ronstadt in the cinematic version back in 1983.

In brief it tells the story of young Frederic who has been shipped off to join the pirates instead of pilots due to his nanny (Ruth) who heard the word wrong.

He has to remain an apprentice until his 21st birthday which unfortunately for him falls on the 29 February so a birthday every four years makes him 63 when he’s 21? Confused? Yes especially when he meets and falls in love with a beautiful girl called Mabel who agrees to wait for him.

Gary Morris plays the Pirate King and rocks the stage not unlike his predecessors.

Gary has been involved with music most of his life which was kick-started at the ripe old age of six when he won a singing competition.

After a TV appearance he was asked to join the Australian U2 band playing “Bono” the lead singer.

He toured both nationally and internationally winning huge acclaim wherever they went. He has a few strings to his bow having a wide technical knowledge with music production plus he’s handy with a needle and thread making his own costumes. Add to that he also is a sculptor.

There’s a big cast in the show and mostly made up of new faces to Noosa Arts Theatre. So grab your eye patch, peg leg and pirates and book online now for Pirates of Penzance tickets at