Youth ambassadors sought

Ebony Busk, Paint Install View, Noosa Regional Gallery 2022. Picture: WARWICK GOW

An exciting new art program titled the NRG Young Ambassadors Program has launched this week at Noosa Regional Gallery.

Envisaged as a year-long ambassadorship, the program will provide a selected group of young people aged between 18 and 30 years with exclusive behind the scenes access to Noosa Regional Gallery, in addition to networking and collaborative public programming opportunities.

A first of its kind opportunity with the Gallery, director Michael Brennan described the program’s development as an exciting response to a growing trend in local art enthused young people.

“It’s been great to see a thriving scene of young people engaging with the arts on their own terms here on the Sunshine Coast, whether through unique art practices or gatherings” Mr Brennan said.

“Noosa Regional Gallery is eager to reach out to these creatives and empower them with skills and an experience that will be mutually beneficial.”

NRG Young Ambassadors are poised to learn not simply about contemporary art. In addition to experiencing the day-to-day workings of the Sunshine Coast’s premiere public gallery, participants in the program will enjoy the rare opportunity to conceive and help deliver public programs such as artist talks, private art viewings and art events, all while under the guidance and support of Noosa Regional Gallery staff.

Engaging with the varied roles of art and gallery teams means this program is positioned to provide participants with valuable insight into exciting career pathways in the arts.

“We also anticipate the program to encourage new community connections with Noosa Regional Gallery,” Mr Brennan said.

“As NRG Young Ambassadors share their experience of the program with their family, friends and creative networks, we envisage a flow-on in engagement with our exhibitions and events, and that’s advantageous both for the Gallery into the future, but also our local community.”

Expressions of interest are open until Thursday 3 November.

For more information about NRG Young Ambassadors Program, visit