Call for submissions from victims of youth offending

Committee Chair and Noosa MP Sandy Bolton.

The Youth Justice Reform Select Committee has published an Issues Paper seeking submissions from people affected by youth offending in Queensland.

The Issues Paper highlights the significant breadth of work that has come before the committee’s inquiry and identifies gaps for further examination.

Committee chair and Noosa MP Sandy Bolton highlighted there have been three parliamentary inquiries related to victims in 2023 alone and a number of other inquiries in recent years, however, more needed to be done to ensure that the youth justice system was responsive to victims of youth offending.

“We know some elements are working because more victims are willing to come forward to report that they have been affected by a crime than before,“ Ms Bolton said.

“Despite the reform to date, there is a still a way to go.

“We need to understand the efficacy of youth justice programs from a victim’s perspective, and the quality of communication between government agencies and victims.

“The committee is also interested in hearing more about how crime media coverage affects victims and their families, and how inclusive the youth justice system has been to them.”

Last week the committee questioned government departments responsible for administering the youth justice system, and those which it interacts with.

Ms Bolton explained, “The committee has heard from stakeholders of the importance for bipartisan, evidence-based policy. We want to understand from the departments what is working and what could be improved. We need to invest in the right strategies that break down the siloed response to this issue, support young people into more meaningful trajectories and keep communities safer.”

The committee has agreed to travel to Mount Isa, Townsville, Cairns, Bundaberg, Hervey Bay, Toowoomba, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast for regional hearings early in 2024.

To find out more about the inquiry, including the terms of reference and how to make a submission, visit the inquiry webpage at