Safety on the streets as students return to school

Sunshine Beach State School students prepare for the 2024 school year.

As the wheels of education start turning once again, and the gates of local schools open to welcome eager students, it’s crucial for motorists to hit the brakes and pay heed to the increased activity on the roads.

Sunshine Beach State School, like other schools across the state, is gearing up for the academic journey ahead, and with more than 570,000 students enrolled in Queensland state schools in 2023, the roads are set to become busier with the promise of even more young minds joining the ranks in 2024.

Motorists, be prepared: the familiar sights of school uniforms and backpacks will soon be back in full force.

With the commencement of the school year, it’s imperative to recognise that the streets surrounding educational institutions become shared spaces where caution and consideration take precedence.

Queensland Police Service enforces a 40km/h speed limit in school zones, a vital measure to enhance road safety during peak school hours. This enforced limit serves as a protective cocoon around children, ensuring their journey to and from school is shielded from the potential hazards of fast-paced traffic.

Parents and carers play a pivotal role in this safety stance. As you embark on the daily drop-off and pick-up routine, consider these tips to create a secure environment for your children and others during the bustling back to school week:

1. Buckle up for safety:

Ensure your children are securely fastened in the appropriate child car seat for their age and size. The correct installation of the seat is equally crucial for their safety during transit.

2. Mind the speed limit:

Adhere to the 40km/h speed limit in school zones, remaining vigilant for children who might be crossing the streets. Your commitment to reduced speed contributes significantly to the overall safety of the school community.

3. Pedestrian priority:

Always be mindful of pedestrians, especially when entering or leaving driveways. Prioritise their safety during busy drop-off and pick-up times.

4. Parking etiquette:

Park and turn legally around schools. Avoid risky manoeuvres like U-turns and three-point turns during peak traffic times.

5. Strategic drop-off/pick-up:

Utilise the school’s designated drop-off and pick-up area, ensuring your child exits the car through the Safety Door – the rear footpath side door, away from passing traffic. Never call out to them from across the road, as they might rush to you without checking for oncoming traffic.

As Sunshine Beach State School opens its doors to another year of growth and learning, they wish to ensure that their year ahead is safe for all.

By practising responsible road behaviour, motorists, parents and carers contribute to fostering an environment where young minds can thrive without compromising their safety on the streets.

Drive cautiously, be vigilant, and make 2024 a year of safe and successful journeys for all students.