Pomona to get its crossing

Noosa MP Sandy Bolton at the site of a proposed crossing on Factory Street, Pomona. (Supplied)

After a parliamentary petition, lodged by Hinterland resident Nick Cooke, advocacy by Noosa MP Sandy Bolton, an LNP election commitment and a ministerial meeting the wheels have been set in motion to deliver a pedestrian crossing on Factory Street, Pomona.

Two months after the October election where both LNP and Labor made election promises to commit to the $950,000 pedestrian crossing Mr Cooke, sponsored by Ms Bolton, lodged a community parliamentary petition in December, which was tabled, calling on the urgent need for safe crossings on the state-managed Factory Street, Pomona.

Ms Bolton said she endorsed the petition as part of her longtime advocacy regarding inappropriate levels of heavy haulage endangering these communities and a meeting was held last month with the new Transport and Main Roads (TMR) Minister Brent Mickelberg regarding the importance of fast tracking this project committed to during the election.

“The need for a safe crossing on Factory Street, Pomona as well two others in the precinct, is necessary for residents to access essential services and their homes,” Ms Bolton said.

“This includes for our school children traversing these roads on their way to school and after school activities. Our efforts included making sure the design was on track ensuring readiness for a commitment of funding.”

In his response to the petition Mr Mickelberg confirmed the government was committed to ensuring Queenslanders’ safety on our roads and acknowledged the concerns and importance of maintaining safety in and around the Kin Kin Quarry.

“Queensland residents draws to the attention of the House the urgent need to install a safe pedestrian zebra crossings on Factory Street and Hill Street, Pomona,” he said.

“These roads experience a high volume of traffic, including large 40-tonne quarry trucks from the Kin Kin Quarry, posing significant safety risks. Currently, there is no safe method for pedestrians to cross, resulting in a dangerous divide that hinders cross-town connectivity.

“There is a dog park and kindergarten on Hill Street, as well as a school bus stop on Factory Street. Children and families must navigate these busy roads without safe crossings, heightening the risk of accidents.

“Recently, Factory Street underwent a speed limit review, which resulted in a reduction to 50 km/h due to the safety concerns associated with the traffic in the area. This indicates the recognition of the significant hazards present.

“Your petitioners, therefore, request the House to do all within its power to install safe pedestrian zebra crossings on Factory Street near the train station and on Hill Street across to the Cooroora Creek dog park, as a matter of urgency.”

Ms Bolton has welcomed the commitment by the minister and the new government to pedestrian safety in our area, with $950,000 provided for a safe pedestrian crossing on Factory Street. The Government is now in the process of developing the scope of works and timeline of completion.

“This is a great outcome for our community, and I thank the Minister for his efforts and for following through on this important commitment made during the 2024 election. We will continue to keep the community informed as this progresses,” Ms Bolton said.

Updates on many matters, Sandy is working on, are available at www.SandyBolton.com/Noosa360