Dolphins put in the effort

Great ball play from the U11 Reds.

There were some hard-fought games at home at Dolphins oval.

Some special moments included the under-14s forming a guard and cheering the under-12s on to the playing field with heartfelt cheers of encouragement. A shout-out to juniors president, Adam Calcraft, who refereed four games on the day when referees failed to show. Thanks Adam.

Under 14s

U14s suffered their first defeat of the season in a 12-34 loss against the Brothers in their latest clash at home. The Phins were already down a few key players and were forced to field a team of only 13 players, borrowing two from Brothers. Even though the odds were stacked against them, they showed true grit and determination to make it a fierce fight till the very end. The spectators were treated to a great game, with the Phins managing to score two impressive tries with Jett and Uli both crossing the line.

Domino’s Pizza Player of the match went to Lachie with his relentless drive and outstanding performance on the field. Even though it may not have been the result they were hoping for, the Phins can hold their heads high for putting up such a valiant effort against strong opponents. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Will who sustained a broken arm during the game.

Under 11s

Reds – Round 8 saw the U11 Reds face a determined Maroochydore after a late change forced Brothers to cancel, the flu taking down eight of their team. Despite the chilly, wet track and slippery ball, the Reds first half started well with the forwards dominating the clear out and providing good passes to the back line. Xavier and Alby were very good and finally cracked the Maroochy line with Alby doing an excellent job of ripping the ball off his opponent and

scoring a well-earned try. Another try went to Gerry soon after.

Greasy conditions in the second half led to a lot of dropped passes, with the Swans able to capitalise with two tries. Unable to convert, the Reds held a slight lead until Max finished a brilliant individual run to take the game in the last minute. Max and Tommy yet again kept the Reds conversion rate at 100 per cent (one accidentally hitting a spectator on the back of the head). Jake, Coops and Tommy all had strong games, but the well-earned Domino’s Pizza Player of the Match went to Mikey after consistent and solid contribution at the breakdown. Well done Reds!

Fins – by Dylan Tasker

A much anticipated home game for the Fins

Against the might of the Barbarians

Beaten previously in a narrow loss

The Fins were keen to show them who’s boss

Last time they clashed the Fins defence was poor

Allowing the Barbarians to run freely and score

Set. Hold. Up. Was the teams defensive call

To hit and stick and wrap up the ball

Shoulder to shoulder at last feet

Moving forward to their foes they did meet

Holding the advantage line with brutal defence

The teams attitude and commitment were immense

The Barbarians big forwards couldn’t break through

The Fins defence leaving them no clue

Perry, Marcus and Max led the line speed

Putting their bodies in front to disrupt and impede

Another try double to our crafty halfback

Marcus was sparkling in defence and attack

A flourishing combination with boom fly-half Perry

Topping the team like ice cream adorned with a cherry

Man of the Match went to Perry for his exceptional goal kicking

His conversion strike rate keeps the scoreboard ticking

Final score Fins defeated Barbarians 40 – 14

Under 10s

Many of the boys were backing up from an earlier Reds game and The Saints took advantage of the disorganised defence to skip in for an early unconverted try. It looked like it could be a long day as the opposition kept hammering us, fortunately a spill from a tackle and then some slick from Ben saw us on the scoreboard and the floodgates opened. Sol and Alex up front with their ball carries, absolutely battered the opposition and Barnaby putting on a great display of fancy footwork out in the backs. A further thrr unanswered tries in the first half put us in a commanding position. It is hard to single out anyone as this was real team performance, defence from Tom, Zac and Thomas, Hugo terrorising from the scrum base, Emmerson organising the backs and the piggies giving nothing away, continually setting the play for the backs. As ever Eric was everywhere with Hunter running himself into the ground, on the wing Albie made some damaging runs out wide. At full time the scoreboard had melted down and the closest I can give you to a final score is a lot to 5. Well done to Whites!