Place to talk beer

Scott Hooper and Adam Forbes set up a brew club.

Anthropologists have discovered evidence of beer brewing in ancient Egypt around 3000BC and in civilisations throughout the centuries it has been drunk, regarded as a symbol of religious and cultural significance or shunned.

It was professionally brewed first by the Romans with records of brewer’s guilds dating back to 1200s in London.

So when the Noosa Brewing Club was established this month by Noosa Brew Store owner Scott Hooper and club president Adam Forbes they were really continuing a long held tradition.

“I started the brew store in February. It’s always been part of my goal to establish a brew club,” Scott said.

The plan went on the back burner because of Covid-19 but this month a meeting was organised and held at The Boiling Pot brewery mezzanine area with the support of owner John Madill.

Scott said the club creates a place for brewers to congregate and talk brewing.

“We’re going to go to other breweries and people’s homes and brew,” Scott said.

“We’ll have brewing competitions with Sunshine Coast Brew Club.”

After just one meeting the club has 20 members aged from 21 to 70 years.

At the next meeting to be held on the first Thursday in August The Boiling Pot’s head brewer Pedro Bevilaqua de Lucca will present a talk on the influence growing barley and brewing beer had on human civilisation.

For more information phone Scott at the Brew Store on 5412 2766.