Red moon captured

Blood moon seen in Noosa. Pictures: BEATRIX TODD

Across the country on Tuesday night keen photographers like Beatrix Todd pointed their cameras skyward to snap the blood moon during the total lunar eclipse.

Beatrix captured these images of the eclipse, describing the event as “a treat and a rare occasion“ with the next total lunar eclipse three years away in 2025.

“What a special position for earth to be – between the sun and the moon, so we could all watch earth’s shadow on the humongous, orange moon.

These photos were taken in Noosa, showing off the moving shadow earth cast on the moon,“ Beatrix said.

“Patiently awaiting the next one, and celebrating all the wonders of the universe; big and small.“

During totality, the moon turned red, giving it the name blood moon.

This effect is caused by the bending of light through earth’s atmosphere.