Pomona and District Community House celebrate Harmony Day by hosting a range of three free events at the Lawson Shed on Friday 24 March.
The day will start with an amusing and interesting sharing of cultural knowledge, a story telling workshop (9-11.30am) facilitated by local Albertina Banks, an Australian of Indonesian-Dutch ancestry.
A teacher of 30 years, Albertina and her family migrated in 1962 as political refugees from West Papua, Indonesia.
Not knowing a word of English, nor any clue about Australian culture, she has firsthand knowledge of the enormous challenges faced by new immigrant families in their resettlement and adjustment phase.
The workshop will explore interesting topics of cultural differences in relation to:
– Respect and courtesy.
– Individualism and Collectivism; considered one of the most significant differences between Western and non-Western cultures.
– Communication issues due to language barriers that can cause serious misunderstanding.
The workshop is appropriate for ages 10 years and up and also includes a very tasty morning tea where attendees can sample an interesting range of snacks from different cultures.
The second event is from 3pm and open to all ages.
Well-known local master weaver Kilagi Nielson, an Australian of Papua New Guinea ancestry, will teach some weaving techniques, as well as share her cultural knowledge.
This is a fun and exciting after-school activity for children and their parents/grandparents/carers to share time together and learn a new skill from another culture.
Following is the third event, the Harmony Day Community Dinner, a great opportunity for a catch up with friends and/or make new friends.
Local acapella group LASCA will sing a repertoire of beautiful international songs prior to the community dinner.
Please contact Pomona Community House at 54852427 if you are attending. The Lawson Shed is located directly next to the centre.