Community feedback, as promised, has shaped a new draft master plan for the Noosaville Foreshore, which council last week approved for further public comment.
Like the previous draft, it contains only proposals, not fixed outcomes, for further feedback.
The community’s views during this phase, proposed to run from November 15 to December 15, will also help refine the draft plan.
All councillors and staff remain committed to listening and finalising a plan that respects our community’s connection with and love for the foreshore.
And it’s earnestly hoped everyone who contributed will see their feedback reflected and that they feel it was a worthwhile process.
Many of the ideas received seek to significantly improve the first draft.
Such as, upgrading and leaving Pirate Park in its current location and including, not replacing it with, natural play areas.
Like, not replacing the tennis court but increasing public use by upgrading it over time into a multi-use court, possibly also for basketball and pickleball.
On-road carparks are proposed to remain virtually unchanged.
Instead of improving pedestrian safety through two separate footpaths the length of Gympie Terrace, which would have involved removing on road parking next to the narrower strip of park east of the Thomas Street Boat Ramp, it’s been proposed to achieve a similar result by having one wider, shared footpath in the narrower sections.
The boating and fishing community was very strong on wanting the layout of the boat ramp to remain untouched, and this has been proposed to stay as is.
I must flag that, in order to fit a wider, safer, shadier path around the boat ramp in this narrow section, it’s proposed to convert ten car parks into 16 motor cycle/motor scooter parks.
As motor bikes and scooters can legally take up a car space, it’s hoped locating more motor bike parks here, will free up more spaces for cars elsewhere along Gympie Terrace. If motor bikes and scooters are considered vehicles, then it’s proposed to increase vehicle parking spaces from 10 to 16 in this section.
This draft makes it clear that views to the river will not be blocked by any raised banks. It’s proposed that there will be gentle slopes planted with grass to the water’s edge in well-used areas and low plantings in other areas to beautify and help protect against erosion.
The boardwalk proposed to cover the rock wall at the eastern end of Gympie Terrace is now drafted to end at Howard Street, instead of continuing along to William Street as originally drafted. This proposed shortening is in response to residents’ concerns about impacts on amenity.
A proposed wider footpath between Howard and William Street is intended to enable safer and more inclusive pedestrian access, if approved. On street parking is proposed to be flipped to the other side of the road to allow this to occur.
Along with the community members who took the time to respond, I’d like to commend all councillors and the key staff who have not ceased working in Good Faith to listen to the community and help shape this draft master plan.
When finalised, it will enable council to apply for the $10m plus in external funding needed for upkeep and improvements on this two km long parkland so it can continue to be enjoyed for generations for come, despite predicted increases in storm intensity and frequency, heavier use and increased wear and tear on the infrastructure.
Our collective commitment to listen and create an effective master plan that reflects the community’s strong connection to the Noosaville Foreshore, will contine long beyond this next phase of community consultation.
We encourage everyone to view the new draft.
Let us know what you think either via the Your Say portal, online survey, community pop ups, email, phone call or contact councillors directly and meet with us in person.
The Noosa community is rich in knowledge and good ideas and necessary to help create a shared vision for the Noosaville Foreshore we all can be proud of.
Advocacy in motion
Noosa Council’s seven motions were among 109 others passed at the annual Local Government Association Queensland (LGAQ) conference attended by delegates from 77 councils in Brisbane recently.
The LGAQ will now advocate on behalf of Noosa Council to the relevant State Ministers to
-Mandate short term accommodation platforms to share their booking data
-Have third parties’ how to vote cards authorised as required for all candidates at council elections
-Clarify standards for use of recycled products in infrastructure projects
-Have Energy providers revise downward their cost prohibitive tariffs for community batteries
-Promote and fund waste water recycling and diversion programs
– Have the Australian Local Government Association represented on the Federal Housing and Homelessness Ministerial Council
-Review the State Facilitated Development process to enable more consultation with councils.
(The LNP has sent Noosa Council a written commitment to have SFD applications assessed within the parameters of the Noosa Planning Scheme, which is being followed up on.)
Meet your council
Come by for a coffee and discuss your ideas and thoughts about what matters to you and your community with your councillors.
Friday 15 November, 9am – 11am
Outside Cooran Community Centre
Cooroy Harvest Fresh
Noosa Chocolate Factory Noosaville
Or meet up at Peregian Beach Community House on Thursday 21 November from 2.30pm and stay for the Ordinary Meeting starting at 5pm.