Tewantin school girl, Isla Gordon, gave her glorious locks the chop for Variety’s Hair with Heart charity on Friday 13 January.
Isla has been growing her hair for more than two years to get it to the 35.5cm length needed to donate her hair, to support kids who have lost their hair due to medical reasons.
She also exceeded her fundraising goal, with over $537 raised to date for the charity.
Isla said, “I wanted to support this charity because they really care about what they started and it was one of the main charities that support children with cancer.“
Isla’s mum Kylie said, “I am so proud of Isla and the long-term commitment she has put into her decision to support Variety.“
Variety’s Hair with Heart initiative enables children to be fitted with specialised custom-made real hair wigs that give them increased confidence and self-esteem in their everyday lives so they can feel like themselves again.
Local hairdresser and salon manager Elizabeth Morriss, from 50 Shades of Hair in Tewantin kindly donated her time and support to give the golden locks the chop and a stylish cut.
A special thanks to all who have donated and wished Isla words of encouragement.
If you’d like to donate, please go to hairwithheart.variety.org.au/fundraisers/IslaGordon/hair-with-heart.
All funds raised are donated directly to Variety – the Children’s Charity to help give Aussie kids in need a fair go.