With last weekend providing anglers a great shot of getting offshore, this weekend followed suit with even better conditions. The swell faded to a light 1 meter and the ESE direction provided safe bar crossings after the low tide with the headlands offering protection.
With the break in weather the ramps were busy, but the week days leading up were pretty much unfishable. This has given the fish a break and the pelagics were out all along the coastline feeding hard on the bait. Low early morning tides made it slightly harder to cross the Noosa Bar but run out tides equal trout and Sunshine has been holding some crackers. These fish are prized eating fish not forgetting they are also one of the most beautiful looking. Other bottom dwelling fish on the catch list include sweetlip, pearl perch, the occasional decent snapper and tuskies.
For those not fishing for reefies the midwaters are also providing some great fish with mackerel still down deep as well as cobia and a few longtail tuna. With the drop in swell and winds drift fishing becomes possible when the currents aren’t too strong. Having a pilchard floater out the back is a great way to pick up just about any species. If you are worried about mackerel and want to use wire then keep it light to 58lb max and use the smallest size 6 Shogun swivels. This ensures bubble trails are kept as small as possible which other mackerel will snap at on bigger clips and swivels. Metal lures and jigs will also get the fish and this is the time of year where feeding fish push baitfish to the surface allowing you the chance to cast at them. This is great fun on 15-20lb gear and lighter 6-8kg rods. Be sure to keep leaders light and maintain a quiet approach so the fish don’t spook and go deep.
Surf fishing is about to improve with the new moon behind us. The spring tides are showing new gutters all along the coast following the bigger swells. The seas are set to get bigger as we start a new week ahead so there should be some great opportunities once the swell subsides. Bigger whole fish baits and live baits will be working well in low light periods for jewies and even the occasional tailor. Whiting, dart and bream should be in close for the daytime anglers on lighter gear.
The Noosa River has been holding a mixed bag this week. From a few big tailor to grunter bream and a few chunky GT in the mix it looks like it is starting to fish well again as it starts to clear up. Bait and lure anglers have been doing well in the lower part of the river. The spring tides and swell pushed a lot of bait into the system and the predators soon followed. For surface lure anglers, Woods Bay has to be one of the best areas for first light surface action. Flicking lures like the MMD splash prawn will get the attention of GT, big eye trevally and tailor. Soft plastics work well around the points for flathead and trevally. For those heading upriver you should find trevally, flathead and bream on the bite. For bait anglers a super light weighted peeled prawn can be deadly. Using 6lb fluorocarbon and a fine wire whiting hook will help trick the smartest fish into biting. If you are targeting jacks then using super fresh mullet or slimy mackerel fillets has been working. These fish usually come out around dark and with the new moon just finished the evenings will still be very dark. For bait anglers running heavier fluorocarbon leaders in excess of 30lb is a must. These fish know their territory and will always head for home, even on the darkest of nights.
Freshwater is fishing well with bass sitting deep and hiding along the edges. The bigger fish are deeper and smaller fish tend to sit along the edges. With Lake MacDonald currently just below full the weed lines extend far out from the banks. This makes fishing with weedless soft plastics a must if you like to flick the edges. For those that like to sound the fish up we have a great stock of the Ecogear ZX blades. These lures run twin assists and the bass crunch these as they have massive vibration which they love. Good reports have come from Borumba and in the main basin area anglers have been jetting good fish on the troll. Deep diving Samaki Redic and Zerek tango shads have claimed good numbers of fish. As always take care in Borumba as of time of writing the dam sits at 79%.
Now for all the latest information log onto www.fishingnoosa.com.au for up to date bar and fishing reports, don’t forget to drop into Davo’s Tackle World, Davo’s Boating and Outdoors in Noosa and Davo’s Northshore Bait & Tackle in Marcoola for all the right equipment, bait and advice to get you catching. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and remember Tight Lines and Bent Spines!