Good news Noosa Jiu-Jitsu

Professor Yoshi Hasegawa of Noosa Caza Jiu-Jitsu Club

Ron Lane

The recent Caloundra Open Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Championships held at the Caloundra Indoors Sports Stadium, was a major success.

The event, which was attended by Noosa’s Caza Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club, is a major part of the Queensland Brazilians Jiu-Jitsu Circuit. It was well attended with some 400 competitors enrolled.

The competitors were competing in three divisions – kids, male and female. For the club who finishes top of the points tally for all divisions, they receive the most coveted award of the tournament, the overall trophy. In the Noosa Kids Division, they finished first, Male Division fifth and Female Division fourth. The overall points tally saw Noosa finish in first place thus making the Noosa Caza Jiu-Jitsu Club, winners of the overall trophy.

This was a great result as this club, under the guidance of Professor Yoshi Hasegawa and his coaching panel, have now established an outstanding record regarding the overall trophy. The years 2019 and 2020 saw the Caza Club finish third, then 2021 finish first To finish in first place again this year, gives them a total of two third places and two firsts.

This tells us that our local Jiu-Jitsu club, which was only formed in 2017, has indeed maintained an extremely high standard of coaching over a period of years. With this high standard, plus the kids winning this year’s division, it tells us that the future of the Noosa Caza Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Club is indeed looking very promising.

To achieve a high level of coaching is very gratifying, but to maintain that level over a number of years speaks volumes for those involved, in particular the presence of eight senior black belts amongst the membership, is very consolidating. Also, a big well done to Sam Morrison Brown Belt, and his assistants for their ongoing coaching of the kids division. This division is of the utmost importance, for as in all clubs in all sports, it can play a major role in the future.

Surf lifesaving

From such a small club the Sunshine Beach Surf Life Saving competitors, who represented their club at the recent Australian titles in Perth did a good job, coming home with seven medals – one gold, three silver and three bronze. Perhaps the best aspect of the carnival was the events in which they achieved their medals.

Their gold came in one of the most important youth events of all the Female U14 Lifesaver. This was won by Claire Cameron.

Then again in the Youth U14 Female Board Rescue, Claire Cameron teamed up with Niamh Arthur to win silver and on the sand, in the U13 Male 2km run Zac Heffernan also came home with silver.

In the senior U17 Male they won bronze medals in two of the major events. Dylan Wilson finished third in the surf race and most pleasing of all was when Oliver Dillewaard, Patrick Davis and Dylan Wilson teamed up in the blue-ribbon event, the Taplin Relay to again win bronze. This event covers various aspects of our work in surf rescue.

Then in the Masters 130 years minimum they won a silver in the Taplin blue ribbon event, when Mick Butcher, Aaron Cross and Wes Berg teamed up: this three once again performed as a team to win bronze in the Male Board Relay.

To have both youth and masters performing well in Taplin Relays says a lot for the standard of patrol members on this open surf at Sunshine Beach.

Head coach for Sunshine Wes Berg said, “The club is very happy with the results, performance and conduct while on tour, in particular the performance of our youth. The vibes we are now getting around the club are good and this can only serve to strengthen our club culture. We will have a short break and then get back into training and coaching.”

A very successful 40-year reunion, plus good results at the national titles – well done to all involved.