Words like Casalguidi, gold work, stumpwork, Reticello, Deerfield and crewel fill the air when the embroidery women at Wallace House, Noosaville, have their fortnightly get together—just as they have since 1983.
They may sound like a foreign language but to the group which recently celebrated its 40th anniversary, they make perfect sense.
“We started in Cooroy as The Noosa Hinterland Embroidery Group,” former president, Helga Hill, told Noosa Today.
“We put a notice in the local paper, inviting anyone interested in forming an Embroidery Group to meet at Beth Skeet’s house outside Cooroy. Ten women gathered to discuss the formation of this group, and it was arranged that we would meet at the Anglican Church Hall in Cooroy twice a month.
“Those who attended our first meeting at Beth Skeet’s home were, Beth, me, Helen Datson, Sandra Smith, Robyn Tutt, Dora Timms, Pam Marshall, Allison Cranich, Peg Brennan and Sabine van Baarskamp.
“We all became members of the Embroiderers Guild of Queensland and in 1992 we were invited to be a branch of the Guild.
“In 1993 Noosa Council invited arts and craft groups to come together and form the Noosa Arts and Craft Association at Wallace House and we decided to make it our home.”
She said the group was particularly proud of a work of embroidery art that is now permanently on show at Wallace House.
Known as “The Embroiderers Hanging,” the work was done over many years. Members were asked to “work the squares” showing as many embroidery styles as possible, but with the subject all reflecting where they lived in Noosa Shire.
“The work started in the late 90’s and was pieced together in 2004. Unfortunately, it was damaged a few years later. The ‘Hanging’ was remade, however, and it gave our newer members also a chance to contribute to the new hanging that hangs in the house today.
“Many of the squares were done by members who are no longer with us. Today it is a reminder of the wonderful embroiderers who have belonged to our group.
“Today we still meet on the first and third Friday of each month at Wallace House, as we have for 40 years. We would love to share our knowledge and interest with more people in this busy world and we welcome visitors”
For more information call Helga (5447 9288) or email Noosa Arts and Crafts at Wallace House, create@noosaartsandcrafts.org.au