Lieutenant explains ongoing importance of Remembrance Day

CWA president Leigh McCready and treasurer Tina Grigson.

Last week the Tewantin-Noosa branch of the Country Women’s Association (CWA) joined fellow community members at the service to commemorate Remembrance Day, held at Tewantin RSL.

QCWA Tewantin Noosa president Leigh McCready, who also led the national anthem, said, “Over 100 veterans and community members joined together to listen to retired Lieutenant Colonel Mal Price explain the ongoing importance of honouring and remembering the official end of World War One on 11th November, 2018.”

“He reminded us that two million Allied-aligned soldiers and support personnel lost their lives in the war, fighting for democracy and a return to peace. Over 60,000 Australians died in the war, which at that time represented around 1.2 per cent of the Australian population.

“He also told us, that only Australia and New Zealand commemorate two national days each year which focus on the service of those who served in the theatres of war, ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day.

“The Tewantin Noosa CWA Branch is honoured to be involved in this important Australian ceremony and to honour those who made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom.”

Interested community members who wish to become members of the Tewantin-Noosa CWA or attend the Centenary and Christmas event on Friday 25 November are advised to contact the CWA at or by emailing