Tackling skill shortages

Aleea is completing a Cert III in Hospitality as part of her traineeship with Pomona Distilling

Aleea who is completing a Cert III in Hospitality as part of her traineeship with Pomona Distilling

Jessica who is completing a Cert III in Hospitality as par of her traineeship with the Surf Club Restaurant

Please let me know if you require any additional information.

David Asher, managing director

The one thing that differentiates a great business from those that just get by, is the quality of the staff. A skilled, enthusiastic, happy and hardworking team that reflect the owner’s vision is the key ingredient for business success.

One of the big challenges facing business in the region today is finding the right staff and retaining them. One possible solution to this problem can be the traineeship system, according to Regional Training Services Queensland managing director David Asher.

“As a member of the local Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Noosa, I hear a lot of discussion around labour and skill shortages and how they are being exacerbated in the region by high rental and property prices,” Mr Asher said.

“One solution that is being embraced by some forward-thinking employers, is to build up their own workforces by putting on trainees, many of which are school based.

“Being school based they live locally so there are no affordable accommodation issues, and because the traineeship is treated by their school as a subject attracting QCE points, they are generally highly motivated.

“From an employer’s point of view, they gain a flexible workforce that is available at peak times (such as school holidays), who don’t move on for at least the duration of the traineeship (up to 2 years).”

Regional Training is working with many businesses in the Sunshine coast region to create linkages between employers and suitable potential trainees.

“The ability to match training to the employer’s needs is one of the big benefits of a modern traineeship, this flexibility means that the most urgently needed skills can be prioritized enabling the trainee to be a productive team member sooner,” Mr Asher said.

“The Queensland State Government contributes the majority of the cost of the training for the eligible person of your choice. Upon completion of the traineeship the federal government will pay you the employer an incentive payment.

“New and in some cases existing employees can be put through traineeships, full and part-time staff may be eligible along with school-based trainees.

For more information contact the Regional Training team on 5481 2486 or email admin@regionaltraining.qld.edu.au or visit regionaltraining.qld.edu.au