The updated 2022 guide to the Age Pension, including payment rates, assets tests and conditions, is now available from the office of the Federal Wide Bay MP Llew O’Brien.
“Payment rates, rules, and other details for the Age Pension are updated twice a year, and some rules are quite complex so the Age Pension Guide is produced to ensure Wide Bay pensioners have access to up-to-date information that is clear and easy to understand,” Mr O’Brien said.
“The October 2022 Age Pension Guide contains information about the guidelines, payments and eligibility tests relating to the Age Pension, as well as commonly asked questions and useful contact telephone numbers.”
Mr O’Brien said a range of factors could affect Age Pension payments, including the income and asset tests, deeming rates, and other provisions.
“These asset tests and other provisions are adjusted from time to time and can change the amount of assistance that pensioners are entitled to receive, so it is important that people have access to the latest information about the support that is available.”
“The Guide also provides helpful information about the Pension Bonus and Work Bonus Schemes, the Carer Payment and Allowance, and health and concession cards that are available to pensioners.”
People on the mailing list should receive their copy of the Guide in the post this week.
It is also available free of charge and can be ordered by telephoning 4121 2936, or downloaded through the One Stop Shop section of Mr O’Brien’s website at llewobrien.com.au/one-stop-shop/