Students stop, drop, and learn

Year 1 Sunshine Beach State School student Theo with local fire brigade.

With the cooler months approaching, the risk of fire hazards in homes increases.

At Sunshine Beach State School, education extends beyond the traditional curriculum to include vital safety lessons that can help prevent future tragedies.

Recently, Year One students were treated to an informative visit from the Noosa Fire Brigade, designed to instil fire safety awareness.

The firefighters shared a variety of essential messages, teaching the young students what to do in the event of a fire at home.

One student said, “They taught us how to keep safe and not to hide from them. If you hide from them, they will think you are safe, but you won’t be. They want us all to be safe.”

Year One teacher Sophie Ward said, “The students enjoyed practicing ‘Stop, Drop, and Roll’ and ‘Get down low and go, go, go!’ The firefighters showed us all the special equipment they use when they are fighting fires. The students particularly enjoyed seeing the fire truck.”

“It was a fantastic learning experience and a great reminder that we all need to have working smoke alarms and an evacuation plan in place to keep our families safe. Thank you, Queensland Fire and Rescue, for keeping us safe!”

Principal Alison Welch said, “This initiative is a crucial part of our commitment to comprehensive education.”

“Fire safety is a life skill that we believe every student should master.

“We are incredibly grateful to the Noosa Fire Brigade for their dedication and effort in teaching our students how to stay safe.”

The visit was not only educational but also engaging, with interactive demonstrations that included the famous ‘Stop, Drop, and Roll’ technique and the importance of staying low to avoid smoke inhalation.

The highlight for many students was undoubtedly the fire truck, where they got an up-close look at the tools and equipment firefighters use to combat blazes and the opportunity for all the students to actually hold the fire hose.

Sunshine Beach State School prides itself on providing students with practical knowledge that extends beyond textbooks.

The fire safety lessons are part of a broader initiative to prepare students for real-world challenges, ensuring they are well-equipped to handle emergencies.

The Noosa Fire Brigade will return for a follow-up session, reinforcing the lessons learned and introducing new safety tips.

As we head into the colder months, Sunshine Beach State School encourages all families to review their fire safety plans, check their smoke alarms, and discuss emergency procedures with their children.