Artist for Oscar-winning celebrities, Tracie Eaton, has spent a day in Noosa painting locals to help reach her goal of raising $1 million to save children from sex slavery.
Tracie stopped by Depot Cafe in Noosaville last week during her month-long journey through towns across Queensland where she has been collecting stories with videoed interviews.
“I had the best day at Depot Cafe in Noosaville,” Tracie said.
“We met a couple of stand out people. One in particular was a man whose wife and daughter were artists and he was a musician. It was fantastic listening to their journey.
“The weather was great in Noosa and the people were open and welcoming. I had a wonderful time.”
Tracie founded Art for Rescue, an approved fund-raising organisation for Destiny Rescue, a global charitable organisation that rescues children from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and helps them to stay free.
“If anybody has had personal experience with power being forcibly removed from them, or they’re in a situation they never wanted to be, that makes people want to stand up for people who can’t stand up for themselves,” Tracie said.
“I know through my involvement with Destiny Rescue, that Australia is one of the top countries around the world that is unfortunately engaging in that type of activity.
“I think that it’s up to us as a culture, if we’re creating that demand, then we need to stop it. So that’s why I’ve been involved.”
Now that Tracie has completed her four-week journey, she will spend three months translating the stories into pieces of artwork which bring their stories to life through vibrant colour and form.
Included is the collection of stories and drawn images from sex trafficked survivors, rescued by Destiny Rescue.
After the completion of the creative process, Tracie’s original artworks will then be exhibited and presented at a charity function, to be held on 9 November at the Home of the Arts (HOTA) on the Gold Coast.
Following the presentation and exhibition, titled ‘The Stories’, a silent auction will be opened to buyers across the world.
The culmination of all these events, inspiration and effort will come to a head in March 2025, when Tracie will personally deliver her paintings to Oscar-nominated directors, actors and actresses and Los Angeles.
“I got the opportunity to start painting as the exclusive artist for Oscar nominees about five years ago,” she said.
“I love it because it gives me a chance to showcase Australian arts and culture on a global scale.”
She is often referred to as a ‘celebrity artist’ and has created bespoke artwork for Oscar nominees and winners including Hollywood A-listers like Brad Pitt, Leonardo DiCaprio and Charlize Theron.
“This year it made sense being the last year of my commission with them to incorporate it into the Art For Rescue program and help raise awareness to the great work Destiny Rescue is doing on a global scale,” Tracie said.
“Being able to have such high-profile celebrities receiving a piece of art that has been inspired by stories of kids who have been rescued, or stories of everyday Australians that have been a triumph despite trauma, I think it is a gift. I’m excited to see their responses.”
For more information visit artforrescue.com.au