Tewantin-Noosa RSL Sub-Branch members reopened their Diggers Bar for a few hours last Friday for a BYO alcohol get together as the sub-branch work on a more permanent solution for the operations of the venue.
The sub-branch who own the premises on the corner Memorial and Poinciana Avenue, Tewantin, have taken charge after the recent expiration of its lease and are looking at options for its future use.
“We have a deed in trust,“ sub-branch deputy president Mick Byrne said.
“We have to use it for the purpose it was originally built, for something that supports veterans.
“Having said that another commercial enterprise could come in that pays us rent and that would support veterans.
“Our ideal thing would be have the diggers bar up and running, other people feel differently.
“We’re working with solicitors over a range of options. We’re not going to rule anything out.“
Mr Byrne said after the building had been certified the sub-branch decided to answer calls from members to reopen the bar within their certification limits.
“We run our raffles on a Wednesday afternoon at the Royal (Mail Hotel) – a lot of people say when are we going to have a beer at the Diggers Bar,“ he said.
“So we’re BYO, we don’t have to worry about our license. We can give an update on where we are, on our fighting fund and have a bit of a get together, particularly for the veterans, in their old bar.
“There are a lot of things we have to do if we want to get it operational again. We are looking at liquor license. The aim probably down the track, depending on what happens, we’re looking at opening it up one or two days a week or like this on a Friday and get the diggers back in the Diggers Bar.
“Best option for us is to lease it otherwise we’re doing it all and we’re retired. We’re not ruling anything out at the moment. A lot of guys want us to do it.
“We could run it as a bar. There are other commercial things we could run it for.“
Friday night was hailed a great success with the help of entertainer Geoff Hutton donating his time and talent for free to help out.
The sub-branch plan to open the Diggers Bar again next Friday from 4-7pm, BYO drinks with food and entertainment provided.