Chris Darwen, Noosa councillor candidate

Chris Darwen

What is your working background?

I’m an Electrician by trade.

Working in Central Queensland for a large Mining company. During that time I was also a trainer assessor for 18 years and have been with the emergency services as a fire fighter for 15 years. Currently I am an Operations Manager for a large native plant nursery on the sunshine coast.

Why are you running for Council?

Having been coming to the Noosa shire since a child I have seen the shire grow over the years. However I see a lot of the same issues going unresolved and viable long term solutions not being put into play.

What qualifies you to be Councillor?

My work background. I’m use to working to tight deadlines and thinking outside the box to find solutions to problems. I believe that is what Noosa needs. A fresh approach. Council is about collaboration. Getting the right mix of people to work the issues. Sometimes you need the right person asking the right questions.

Are you a member of a political party? If so, which one?


What organisations in Noosa are you a member of or affiliated with?

Cooroibah Rural fire.

If elected, will you be undertaking any other paid employment? If so, what would that be?

No. My priority will be to deliver results to the Noosa shire.

List the four top Council issues you believe to be the most important to Noosa residents.

Mobility in and out of the hot spots of Noosa.

Affordable housing for residents.

Access and vitality of the River.

Ensuring projects council has committed to come in on time and on budget.