Improve you business mindset

David Bell, Bianca Anderson and Peter Chenoweth.

Bianca Anderson

Winston Churchill had hypnotherapy to help him stay awake during the height of his duties as Prime Minister in WW2. Sly Stallone while filming Rocky (one of my all-time favourite movies) engaged a hypnotherapist. Charlize Theron used hypnotherapy to quit smoking and Australian gold medallist pole vaulter Steve Hooker used hypnotherapy as an integral part of his training regimen.

Entrepreneurs, successful business people and champion athletes have many similar personality traits. They possess a unique vision, passion and drive that propels them to step away from the mainstream and bring their dreams into reality. They are high achievers and experts in their fields.

These high achievers will tell you they didn’t achieve their success alone. They had a team (business associates, loyal staff and clients, and fabulous family and friends) supporting them along the way.

Entrepreneurs and business owners are, however, human. So what happens when things go awry or they find themselves on an unexpected roller coaster ride?

They seek support, guidance and in some cases, mentoring. We are fortunate in Noosa to have a volunteer organisation comprised of an exceptional group of successful business women and men, Business Mentoring Noosa.

I know how wonderful they are because I am one of the lucky ones to be their mentee!

Armed with my shiny university degrees and qualifications in psychology and clinical hypnotherapy, I was ready to rock and roll. I was excited to start to treat people and improve their lives.

One small problem though – I had no idea – and I mean zip – about how to run a business. That wasn’t taught at hypnotherapy school!

After floundering around on my own, I contacted Business Mentoring Noosa and have received indescribable support and guidance from my mentors, David Bell and Peter Chenoweth. They helped me find my feet and ultimately, take my business to a level I simply could not have achieved on my own. I now work with clients across Australia and overseas and have become known as the therapist’s therapist, working with psychologists and other hypnotherapists to provide them with support.

Entrepreneurs and business owners need to constantly be on and bring their A-game. But if the person behind the business is suffering from stress, anxiety, burn out and fatigue, bringing their A-game is almost impossible. And then, of course, the business is likely to suffer.

Hypnotherapy can help people overcome all these issues and more, such as losing weight, improving sleep and building confidence. It can even help you get over a fear of flying if you need to travel!

Hypnotherapy works by changing our mindset – if we change the way we think about an issue, we change how we feel and therefore how we behave and respond, as well as the sorts of decisions we make.

As business owners, we are always trying to improve our products, services, customer experience and employee satisfaction. And regardless of our qualifications, skills, and experience – web development, horticulture, hospitality, hairdressing or accounting – everyone needs support at some stage.

Business Mentoring Noosa will help you grow and build – or re-build – your business.

Hypnotherapy can strengthen your mindset. Combine the two, and you have a recipe for success.

For more information about hypnotherapy, or about getting mentored, or about becoming a mentor, contact Bianca Anderson at Harmony through Hypnotherapy at

For more information on Business Mentoring Noosa, visit