Celebrate Christmas with the community

Put some local gifts under the Christmas tree.

As Christmas draws nearer our thoughts turn to our loved ones, our family and friends and our community.

This year as you consider Christmas presents for your loved ones, consider contributing to your community by buying your gifts locally.

People have long recognised that the benefits of shopping local go far beyond the businesses you’re supporting.

By shopping local, you will support your community, the environment, local charities and sporting groups and you’ll make a personal connection with local business owners.

Shopping local doesn’t just keep money in your community, it creates jobs. Those jobs create happy workers and future careers for young people, so when you support small local business, you could be contributing to your community’s happiness.

Buying your gifts locally means less shipping, saving the environment. Buying online may be convenient but sending all those packages around the country sends tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Did you know that small businesses are big sponsors of sport? They are. They are also big supporters of charities and are keen on donating to organisations that directly deal with problems within the community.

Small business owners breathe life into the community. Their welcoming and positive attitude towards strangers, as well as returning customers, creates a culture that becomes a trademark for the place and attracts visitors.

Another reason why you should support local businesses is that they are built by ordinary people, who are often our friends, family, neighbours, or acquaintances.

Every customer matters to a small business and they go the extra mile to assist you in your shopping experience.

So make your gift shopping a local experience and have a Merry Christmas.