The Bolton report

Noosa MP Sandy Bolton. (Supplied)

As I spoke about in Parliament this week, our communities and broader Southeast Queensland demonstrated incredible resilience and tenacity during Cyclone Alfred. Noosa was fortunate to only experience a sample of what ‘Alfie’ delivered elsewhere, however we were prepared and as learnt during our devastating 2019 fires and 2022 floods, being ready for the worst is essential as part of saving lives and properties. In giving thanks to all including our Local Disaster Management Group and State Government, it was to our community that I gave the deepest gratitude. Everyone from our incredible volunteers, whether SES, Rural Firies or Lions (to mention a few), our frontliners including all who continued to work to keep shops open and services running, right through to selfless individuals who helped others with their sandbags or checked on vulnerable neighbours. It takes a big team effort, and we have the most awesome, ‘team’, and you are all deeply appreciated.

Disaster Assistance

With our workers and businesses impacted in ways not considered, we have written to the Minister regarding. Even though Noosa has not been made eligible for hardship payments yet, residents are eligible for a loss of income payment via the Disaster Recovery Allowance, with information on the Services Australia website. For businesses, supports are available at and we will update via Facebook and the Business Roundtable on any upcoming assistance. For sports and recreation clubs, damage grants are available at

With natural disasters a regular part of life, I encourage all to make ‘being ready’ a standard and have those links and numbers handy that we bombarded everyone with. These are on Noosa Council’s Disaster Dashboard at with preparation information at Now to some ‘normal’ updates.

State Facilitated Developments (SFD) and new Regional Plans

The Deputy Premier in a response to my Parliamentary Question without Notice (QWN) regarding the development of new regional plans, gave assurances that these would be actioned as soon as possible and in consultation with local councils which gives opportunity to have the excessive population targets for Noosa that were thrust on our community in the SEQ Plan 2023 reviewed. In addition, we submitted a Question on Notice (QON) on whether the Government will review and revise the SFD legislation and regulations including the definitions for affordability to deliver outcomes in line with community expectations. The Deputy Premier in his response to the QWN partially addressed this, stating that any developers who use the SFD process must work with Local Governments and their planning schemes as well take the community along with them, otherwise, the Government would cancel their applications. These responses are welcomed and appreciated, and we thank the Deputy Premier.

Boating infrastructure

Our efforts regarding needed facilities continued immediately after the election, including the new government’s campaign commitments to our electorate. Currently we have no concerns with the Transport and Main Roads Minister’s portfolio, with confirmation received of their nearly $1 million commitment for Pomona pedestrian infrastructure, with the Tewantin Bypass awaiting notifications. Regarding the $2.5 million for ‘on shore’ infrastructure, as there is no specific project as yet determined by Noosa Council, we sought reassurance that this commitment will be provided without any ‘caveats’.


In response to community concerns and our advocacy, the Minister for Environment has now merged future management planning for the Tuchekoi and Tewantin National Parks to expedite an updated management plan for both. In addition, Queensland Parks and Wildlife are increasing patrols outside regular working hours in the Noosa and Sunshine Coast region, with training also being carried out to increase the number of authorised rangers. The speed limit review on Yurol Forest Drive is yet to be completed, which emanated from concerns on wildlife strikes.


As demonstrated by ongoing home invasions and other serious offences across Queensland, as well theft in our own electorate recently, the fear of increased incarceration through the ‘Adult Time, Adult Crime’ legislation is not deterring young offenders. Hence why the Queensland Government must fast-track all remaining Youth Justice Inquiry recommendations, including lowering the threshold for declaration of serious repeat offender and targeting those identified who are a risk to their communities with mandated rehabilitation before they can commit their next offence. My latest Parliamentary speech, and the 60 recommendations are available on Noosa 360. As always gratitude to our fabulous local police who put our community first every day and are currently undertaking targeted exercises as part of a zero-tolerance approach to criminal and anti-social behaviours.

Stamp Duty, Payroll Tax Exemptions and Queensland Productivity Commission (QPC)

Recent stamp duty relief may make little difference to areas such as Noosa that lack genuine affordable housing or to those fleeing domestic and family violence. Payroll tax exemptions for GP Doctors are welcomed to assist in costs, though this should be extended to specialists, including mental health professionals. The re-establishment of the QPC as an independent body will be invaluable in addressing important issues including our electricity and building sectors where objective, long-term analysis is needed. While the Minister can direct the QPC to undertake inquiries, independence in their processes and reporting has been assured, including release of those reports into public domain, and all will be watching this space!

Mental Health

Following decreasing mental wellbeing in our community reported over the last month, a reminder about the assistance available should you, or someone you know be struggling, including our beautiful carers. We need to also be mindful about how we respond online or in person, to those who are demonstrating changes in behaviours, such as inappropriate or hostile commentary. ‘Liking’ or supporting these types of posts or comments does not assist anyone, especially those who are writing/saying them. Instead, if a friend, call or private message them for a catch up to check how they are as at times behavioural changes can be indicators of undiagnosed conditions. There are good online resources including from ARAFMI and SANE with a new support group at Cooroy monthly called the Mental Health Carer Connection Group. There is also 1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255), a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to Queensland Health mental health services. In addition, Lifeline (13 11 14), 13YARN (13 92 76) and Kids Help Line (1800 55 1800) are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Should you hold serious concerns about the immediate well-being of someone, please contact Policelink via 131444 or 000 if urgent to determine whether a welfare check is needed. For a list of important local contacts, including for housing and health supports, visit


This is a difficult topic, as due to confidentiality constraints, our frontliners and agencies, nor myself, can speak on individual cases. However broadly, I can reassure everyone that no resident needs to sleep ‘rough’ in our community, though we cannot force anyone to accept accommodation. There are also situations where people are arriving from other areas without Noosa connections or accommodations, and they are assisted to return to their families or base. What I can say is that over the years I have been privy to the various reasons that temporary or permanent housing has been refused by residents when offered, including singles demanding family sized homes instead of one-bedroom units. Our teams are really good, and consist of dedicated, passionate counsellors, mental health professionals and social workers, who everyday work in this space with Noosa’s organisations and are best placed to ensure both immediate and long-term assistance.

For all in our beautiful community with the greatest of hearts who only wish to help others, please be part of the solution and in the first instance contact our teams on the numbers provided above or give these to those you encounter to ensure they receive the assistance they need. At times we unknowingly become ‘enablers’, instead of the stepping stone for others to move into a better future.

A month of submissions as well celebrations

When not in Parliament, researching bills, at many meetings or doing submissions to Destination 2045, and to the Elder Abuse or Volunteering Inquiries, we made sure to celebrate amazing Noosans such as Phil Moran from Noosa & District Landcare. Described over the last 30 years as a legend, top guy, visionary and an amazing leader, I was privileged as one of the speakers to share how he has bettered us individually and as a community, and a shining light to all. From turning Noosa Landcare into the largest in Australia to educating the next generations, Phil’s legacy will live on, and on.

A reminder, that our Noosa MP Grant round is open at for our not-for-profits, with applications closing 12pm 31 March. In addition, the results for our two (2)-issue survey regarding fluoridation and the proposed public Sex Offender Register are now available on Noosa 360.

With our columns, social media and newsletter never ‘enough’ to share all that we are working on, please visit our website (, where you can search by topic at Noosa 360 and subscribe to our newsletter whilst there which ensures you receive any state related Noosa polls or surveys. As always, please contact our office for assistance via or 53193100, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Linked

Until next month, continue to cherish and protect our home including all within, and to fellow Noosans who sent beautiful birthday messages, thank you. Even though I have delayed celebrating until April, I promise to respond to you individually before then!